Saturday, August 18, 2007

Killing America

Steve Culley
August 5th, 2007

I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve seen president George Bush go on television and argue for some new domestic spying law that he desperately needs to “keep Americans safe” from Al Qaeda or Islamic fascist. Always what he asks for is just another little bit of police state that chips away at the Bill Of Rights and Constitution. His requests are usually endorsed and touted by the political right like Bill Oreilly and Sean Hannity and acquiesced too by democrats in congress because they know that in the present political climate that if another 9 11 type attack happened anyone who didn’t vote to give George Bush the “tools he needed” to stop terrorism would soon be out of a job.

All of this reflects the sorry state of American patriotism we have today. Nobody in the mainstream media or for that matter few in the blogosphere seem to be able to distinguish between killing Americans and killing America. They are two different things.

Bin Laden killed Americans on 9 11. The communists killed Americans in Viet Nam and Korea. Nazis killed Americans in Europe and Africa and Japanese militarism killed Americans in the Pacific. Germans killed Americans during World War One. Spain killed Americans during the Spanish American War. Americans killed Americans during our Civil War. The British killed Americans during the War of 1812. The very first Americans to die in war were those Minute Men who stood on the greens at Lexington and Concord to be killed by the most power army in the world, the British empire. That’s when we started to think of ourselves as Americans. Americans died but America was born.

And what is an American? Is it people who live inside a certain geographical boundary? Yes we do or should have borders and a history and a tradition and unique laws. That is part of being American. Americans are the heirs of brave and involved people who decided they would pay the price of being free. You can live in America but America lives in Americans.

I say killing Americans is not the same as killing America. America is an idea that was spawned at those village greens where a “shot heard around the world” was fired. America is an idea. Something that came down from heaven in my view. It’s a simple idea. That common men can run their own affairs without the benefit of royal leaders born with the right to rule. The American way is one of independence from state and for that matter from each other. We might cooperate for the common good in some things like a national defense, some book keeping things for business like trade deals and such and in laws that ensure the rights of individuals against the state and the tyranny of majority rule. A republic if you will.

After the constitutional convention, where Ben Franklin, had looked at a carved wooden figure in the back of a chair of a sunrise or possibly sunset remarked to a man on the street, “what have you given us Mr. Franklin” said “ A republic if you can keep it”. Franklin, during the build up to the revolution that spawned the American idea also said that, “those who would give up essential liberties for a little security deserve neither”.

And now 200 and some years later here we are again. Giving up essential liberty so Americans don’t die even if it means America might die.

There was a time when slogans meant something and were understood by a large portion of the population. “don’t tread on me” , “live free or die”, “better dead than red”. American ideas. The idea that life isn’t so precious that we would slowly give our freedoms and condemn our children and grand children to lives of servitude and bondage just to stay alive.

Who’s killing America? Bin Laden? No it’s the politicians and pundits and lazy media news editors who argue for a tough anti terrorism laws even if it’s un-American. It’s the far left that tries to disarm the common man, those men who pledged to be ready in one minute, the Minute Men, who met the British on the Village green, the militia, the common armed man, long before any concept of a national guard who the left wing says are the sole people who have the right to keep and bear arms. Judges who are globalists before they are American who hand out rights to foreigners who arrived yesterday, illegally who never bothered to fight their own revolutions and the real anti Americans, those Americans who reap the benefits of being American but could not tell you anything about Lexington and Concord, The battle of New Orleans, Belleau Woods, Normandy, Iowa Jima, Bastogne, Inchon, Khe Sahn, The Gulf or for that matter Iraq and Afghanistan today. The far right pundit who argues for blind loyalty to a president and the politician who fails to stand up and say’ “ If I vote for this bill it will give the federal government the ability to spy on our enemies, but it will also give the federal government the right to spy on you. It might save your life but there is an equal possibility that it makes you part of a police state. Therefore I will not vote for it. You might die in an Islamic explosion but you will die American. You will die free and America, the idea will live.”

We are 300 million. How many could we lose and still be American? If one person is left who understands what America is, or was, then America lives. But if a majority votes away freedoms to be safe, then America is dead and gone.


Anonymous said...

Don't blame the media nor the politicians, blame the imbeciles that fear the dark and believe the lies of the Texas Turd.The knuckle-draggers that are braggadocios of their bravery are also to blame for this mess. Hell most of them don't read, yet alone know history.
The shame is we have few in office that will not say " The Emperor is naked"

Anonymous said...

You might die in an Islamic explosion but you will die American. You will die free and America, the idea will live.

Cully,you had me until you went with the above.

I can't tell you how many times "libs" like you and the "host" here, want me to die for their beliefs..I GOT A BETTER die! TOO HARSH, I BET THAT'S WHAT YOU THINK ALSO.

Had a dangerous, very dangerous, group home placed next to a grade school here in Portland, myself and a bunch or parents tried our best to get the place removed or restricted(you want 4 murders, and one arsonist loose and unsupervised for 90 minutes walking past a grade school with 400 little kids in it?)YES, LOOSE.

What we found was that "criminally insane people" are more protected then little kids...I debated then county chair Diane Linn on a local talk show, the real debate was outside the studio... I asked her why my kids must face this danger and her kids would not...(THIS THINGS ARE PLACED IN RICH NEIGHBORHOODS) she said that was the way it was ,and started to walk off...I said if I had one wish would be her kids dead VS mine...SHE NEVER STOPPED SCREAMING AT ME FOR 5 MINUTES.....So,Mr.Cully, you take the fall with your patent lib answer. I will not allow the potential of an attack by spouting something like you posted.

What's the old saying...TALK THE TALK...BETTER WALK THE WALK TOO.


Anonymous said...

blame the imbeciles that fear the dark and believe the lies of the Texas Turd.The knuckle-draggers that are braggadocios of their bravery are also to blame for this mess. Hell most of them don't read, yet alone know history.
The shame is we have few in office that will not say " The Emperor is naked"


All of your BS ..IS JUST THAT.

Chuck Butcher said...

This is really astute:
yessir, nosir yessir, nosir, jeeze.

what exactly does a misplaced halfway house have to do with police states and enemies? This has not squat to do with what Culley wrote, nada, nothing, zilch.

I have no way to edit comments, I can leave them or delete them so stay in the same universe as the post or get ashcanned, no kidding. I don't like to do deletes so I've let this go too far already, this is enough.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

First time I was ever called a liberal.

Anonymous said...

A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money.

Steve Culley said...
First time I was ever called a liberal.

12:09 AM

Dear Mr Culley:

I'll bet your going to say your an "independent/progessive.

If YOU, post here, you're a ---------- content deleted by author!

Dear Mr Chuck..Diane Linn/Mr.Culley, and you are all alike.

The information about the group home I posted should have been left in, and why, well as you tried to call it "misplaced" THE PEOPLE WHO WANT US TO FEEEEEEL THE PAIN(YOU AND CULLEY) with your "You might die in an Islamic explosion but you will die American. You will die free and America, the idea will live.”

The left in congress(I CAN PROVE THE VOTE) took the AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, and the Federal fair housing act, which was pulled out so far, the 5 unrelated people, living in a group home,(in this place..5 "criminally insane murders, arsonist, and rapist) and said you by your "mental diease judged by a court..COULD LIVE ANY DAMN WHERE THE WANT.

You got kids or grandkids?

Yes there is a point....YOU DIE FOR take this "misplaced" group home next to you..THEN I might vote for a fing Democrat....but we both know, you aren't about to die for America, you want me too. NOW CHUCK, YOU CAN DELTE MY FREE SPEECH///HYPOCRITE!

Anonymous said...

After years of writing in defense of the Constitution and bill of rights I can tell you that whatever label you are putting on me only exists in your mind. I think you should use your name if you want to post. The first amendment gives you the right to an opinion. It also gives me the right to form my own and after considering yours to disagree.
I have other things to do, like trying to secure these borders from people who would come in here to do us harm, like the 9 11 attackers who were ignored by this government. I am not going to get into any personal debates with you.
You say you have a son in Iraq. I hope he returns safely.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Chuck Butcher said...

Name calling amongst commenters is out. I can't edit so it goes. Post again w/o the names

Chuck Butcher said...

you don't read do you? your group home stayed, your further rant on it went

As for free speech, I let darn near anything go, but your speech isn't free here, I maintain this blog & have both my name and face on it, I am responsible for what is here. You post behind "anon" and take no responsibility for what you say, not much beyond grafitti.

I know who you and I could out you picture and all and you know I won't, but you also don't need to keep being ruder and ruder. It detracts from what you say you stand for and only makes your stance look stupid.

What went away was direct reference to my wife and KISS calling you a name. NOPE.

Arch-conservatives have shown up here in complete disagreement and managed to remain pretty polite, try it.

Anonymous said...

I have other things to do, like trying to secure these borders from people who would come in here to do us harm, like the 9 11 attackers who were ignored by this government.

Please continue this path, but I DON'T think Chuck is going to be a big help.

Anonymous said...

direct reference to my wife:

Chuck, I'd say this about both our wifes..They expect us to protect them.

Protection of values of which those you write too much about, DOESN'T KEEP HER wife of 27 years fully expects to make 100 like two of her aunts have done.

If it takes a damn wire tap or racial profiling in these times...MY WIFE WANT'S IT DONE!

So since there was no direct threat too your wife except the threat you may cause...GET OF MY REAR about my really caring for both our wifes saftey.