Charles H Butcher III (Chuck, please) has been a candidate for OR 2nd CD Democratic Primary 5/06 and has moved this site into an advocacy and comment mode. Thanks for stopping by, I hope I've added to your day.
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Friday, February 27, 2009
In The Spirit Of Hannity
C'mon now, 9 votes won't surpass inAnnity's poll so here's another chance
You've got to love our patriotic conservative body politic:
In the spirit of a Hannity like search for solutions to real problems we present:
I know it's not fair but you only get to vote once... But it is multiple choice.
I love it when he implies that somebody like me is a weak kneed pussy. Disabusing him of such a notion would involve going to jail and he's surely not worthy of that.
What is it about that smug Hannity visage that just makes me want to find it and put a fist in it?
Not that I'm suggesting that anyone do so, of course. Because that would be wrong.
I love it when he implies that somebody like me is a weak kneed pussy. Disabusing him of such a notion would involve going to jail and he's surely not worthy of that.
Hey Chuck,
You left out guillotines!
Damn, next time...
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