The hammers are the cocking mechanism, they strike external firing pins. Decocking is accomplished by breaking open the shotgun, moving the safety to fire position, and releasing the hammer with the trigger while holding the hammer with your thumb. Closing the shotgun sets the safety to safe, each hammer must be cocked to fire its barrel and each barrel has a separate trigger, front is right, rear is left. The instructions clearly state, one finger-one trigger, fingering both triggers risks double fire. The screw in chokes come in full, improved modified, modified, improved cylinder, and cylinder and are available in both lead and steel shot chokes. The gun should never be fired without a choke tube installed. The choke tubes walls are quite thin and care must be used in handling them.
The shooting season ended before I had a chance to do much shooting with it but I am impressed. Delivered this model runs about $500, it is available in a number of configurations of varying prices.
For more see Cowboy Action Setup
Bisley Vaquero
Bisley Vaquero
So this shotgun does, in fact, have actual functioning hammers rather than hammers that cock internal firing pins, correct? Also, have you had a chance to check out a CZ Hammer Coach? If yes, do you think it's worth the extra $300?
These are operating hammers to indirect firing pins.
whats the difference between thespr220h & spr220c?
Is the remington spr220 the same gun as the baikal izh43? I know they're both made by baikal.
i dont no if anyone would read this.. but i just inherited a double barrel shot gun that was my great grandmothers, which looks exactly like the picture above, i was just wondering how old it is? cause all the numbers are worn off and hard to track down exactly what type it is. she was born in 1909 so im guessing its a pretty old gun
If it is just ordinary wear the numbers shouldn't be too difficult to raise enough to read. Take it to a good gunsmith and get his opinion. Also get his opinion on its condition before firing and particularly on ammunition type.
When she was born doesn't tell you much about how old, it could be much older than her. It does take a lot of handling to wear numbers off.
In case you come back. I keep some kind of an eye on posts.
I'm trying to find a used or cheaper stagecoach 410 they are hard to find in southern Oregon Ken
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