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Below is a picture from the just completed 10th Annual Hell's Canyon Motorcycle Rally in Baker City. The entire downtown Main Street was shut down Saturday for the rally. Both curbs were parked solid as well as a double line down the center line for five city blocks. This is Miss Oregon holding the First Place trophy for Best Harley, since Saturday was my birthday I found that a pretty cool confluence. I was somewhat surprised to win that since there were many very cool bikes.

The weather was uniformly rainy which cut the participation some and made for some uncomfortable riding with only some breaks of unpredictable length. Danielle was a real good sport ducking in and out of an umbrella for pictures and other appearance functions. She is a dental hygienist from Tigard, Oregon.
The last picture was necessarily taken with the phone camera due to the rain and my reluctance to expose the SRL to it. I will admit to a bit of dissatisfaction with the phone camera since it decided to crap out while the High Desert Harley Girls were posing with the bike, especially considering their extensive lack of clothing and willingness to brave the weather for the shot. While those shots may have been fairly family friendly I'm not convinced they'd have been wife friendly...
High Desert Harley brought some bikes to display as well as some accessories to shop for and their mobile shop which got pretty heavy use. There were bikes from most of the western tier of states and such rides can take a toll. This kind of event brings in quite a bit of business for the town, which is good and we do have a lot of good roads for beautiful rides. Apparently the second weekend in June will be the schedule so if you ride you might want to put it into your list of things to do.
Congrats on the win. Your bike is sweeeeeet! Miss Oregon ain't bad, either. Happy birthday, too.
She is a nice lady, quite personable and agreeable along with quite attractive. I don't know anything about beauty contests, but the gal from OR seems a good representative.
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