Wednesday, March 18, 2009

So Long, My Boy

Nicholas Andrew Butcher died tonight. He was my son and I loved him, he was a good kid who lost his way. He lost his way enough that tonight in the county jail he took his life. At 3:00 AM the police knocked on our door and brought us the news. Two distressed cops and a chaplin came to my door to tell me that our son had committed suicide. It wasn't a long conversation, there was no need for them to have to watch my wife fall apart and there was nothing anyone could do to comfort her and my grief was bone deep enough that an outsider was no more than an annoyance.

Nick started his life as one of those people who charm you with no particular effort on his part. Things stopped working out for him by the time he went to school, school was a struggle and outside his interest. He couldn't stick with things long, even things he was good at. By age seven he could burn me out of a ball glove and throw accurately, a pitching standout in the making. A couple years of baseball and he no longer cared about it, he kept at it a bit longer, I think to please us, and quit. By the time he quit he was no longer a desirable team mate because he just didn't care. Much of Nick's childhood was like that, things he liked and was good at stopped mattering. Drag racing entranced him for a season and then he wanted nothing to do with it. It became the ordinary course of events that short term interest was followed by disinterest of a fundamental nature.

By high school he had started to get into trouble, pissant stuff, but sufficient until he finally stole my wife's car and cracked it up. That launched a couple years of trouble and involvement with the courts and juvenile department. He pulled himself together enough to get a GED and he enlisted in the Oregon National Guard. We went to his graduation in Columbus GA and I spoke to his Drill Instructor who allowed that Nick had been a stand out after a rough start. Allowed is the proper word, DIs aren't nannies and their job isn't reassuring parents. He moved over to the Portland area and got a decent job and quickly moved up and true to pattern lost interest in it and his girl friend and walked back into troubles. When they got deep enough he moved back home.

This is a small enough town that you become known and if you become known for troubles, you will be watched. Nick couldn't seem to keep away from things that would cause him troubles. He's been in the county jail for the last two months awaiting trial, and it seemed that there wasn't anything against him and he insisted that this he hadn't done. Despite practice Nick wasn't a good liar, it seemed as though the part that lied was always in conflict with the part that knew better, whatever; he was no good at it. Nick's pattern was to do well and get tired of it and make bad decisions mostly involving the easy way out.

Tonight he made another one of those decisions. It's no one's fault, not the jail or anyone else, he just made another one of those Nick decisions. I'm sure that he didn't consider that despite our disappointment and anger with him that this would break our hearts. It does. Now an hour later as I type this tears have finally started to run down my cheeks. My boy is gone and it hurts. I kept hoping he would find his way back, that my pal would win out in the end. There are inumerable good memories of the kid I loved and now that's what I have. I choose to let the bad stuff fade and to keep alive pictures like the 4 year old lugging his toy gun throught the woods trying to sneak and still keep up with Dad on an elk hunt and his pride in learning woods craft and ability to spot animals no human should be have been able to. Squatting in the back yard catching for him in fear of being broken if a pitch got away and his absolute laughing pleasure when I had to pull the glove off and rub a badly stung hand.

In a couple hours I have to start calling my parents and sister in Michigan and tell them. My mother is not going to take this well. She's too old to have this kind of news, that her grandson has preceded her. It certainly is something no parent ever wants, to outlive their child. I have now done that and it is wrong on so many levels of experience that an explanation would only have meaning to some one who already sadly knows.

I share this with you because it is the only monument he will have beyond a small family. His friends are not the sort to carry anything forward from this, from his life and death. There will be no funeral or services, they are for the living and the only ones who would find it meaningful don't need it or the pressure to travel long distances to commemorate something this sadly pointless. He knew that my own life had been a mess and that I'd started over again right before he was born and that there is such a thing as a come back. He decided to do what he did, and that's how that is going to have to be. He'll have no more failures to deal with, but there is so much that he will have lost out on. We'll deal with this, because we have to deal with it but it will never be right. He almost made it twenty one years, almost.

So long my boy.

(Because this keeps getting accessed I'm adding a 1/25/11 postscript - you should read this, also:

Giving a damn whatever you might think as a response to the folks who've spent time on this post.


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Anonymous said...


My sincerest condolences to you and your wife.

Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you.


Anonymous said...

Dear Chuck,

I'm a so sorry for your lost. You have been there for all us valley folk when we have come and visited Eastern Oregon time and time again. Please know that we are here for you now.

Your friend,


Grandpa Eddie said...

You and your wife have the deepest sympathies of my wife and myself.
Although we have never felt the pain that you do now, we feel your pain now.
I don't know what I would do if I were to lose a child.
You two are in our thoughts, my brother.

The Sailor said...

There is nothing I can say or write, I just wanted you to know ... you know?

Anonymous said...

Scottie and Chuck,
there's not much i can add to what has already been said.i am so sorry.don't allow your loss to be about it..share who Nick was with everyone, because his life did matter.Nick won't be forgotten.
i am numbed,i have a 20 year old son who needs to hear some words of hope because this IS something he will carry with him..these kids do care.
i've experienced suicide in my family and this song is one that gave me's been a reminder to me when i have gotten, i'll pass it on.

Unknown said...

i am so sorry for you and your wife, Chuck; i hope that peace once again finds your hearts.

Portlandia said...

Chuck, I am so very sorry to hear about this terrible loss. I do wish there were something that someone aomewhere could do for you to ease your pain. I am holding you and your wife and family members in my thoughts and prayers. Peace to you.

Subvet said...

You and yours are in my prayers. God bless you.

Sean Miskell said...

I came across this via a link from Jon Swift. Despite having no personal connection whatsoever, I was very moved by this post. While I imagine things will never be the same, as you yourself said, "there is such thing as a come back."

My thoughts are with you, your family, and your late son.

All the best.

Jill said...

I'm so sorry for your loss (here via Skippy). A friend of mine lost her child 3 years ago so I've seen how devastating it is, albeit second-hand. I hope you have a good "real world" support system; it's clear you have a huge virtual one.

enigma4ever said...

I am so so sorry for your loss and what you are going through....such heart ache...much light and love to your and yours and to your son..your child.....

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about this. Apparently I was suppose to find out by people whom I do not know.
I tried to do as little as possible against him... I loved him and I wish you can Scottie the best. I'm so sorry

Anonymous said...

God bless, CHuck. My heart aches for you. Will be praying for you all.


Anonymous said...

Chuck, My condolences for your loss and your brave and frank response of a loving father who did his best to help a son who tried and couldn't find his way, stumbling a lot on that way. I have been a mental health worker in a suicide clinic and worked for many years with young men like your son. Remembering the good times you two had is the best thing to do and ,like others, I respect you and your own passion for life and ideas you believe in, even when I may disagree.

Mary Ann Holser

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine the heartbreak. My deepest sympathies--my condolences--to you and to your family.


Jason Haas said...

Odd that I'm here tonight b/c of a comment you left at WLST, but here goes:

First, I am very sorry for the loss of your son.

I have not lost a child, but did lose a girlfriend to suicide 19 years ago. We were seniors in HS, had dated for 2.5 years, and had rocky stretches in an otherwise solid relationship. We had planned to attend the same university and if the relationship had continued to prosper, consider marriage.

And then, poof, gone.

There was a swirling stew of anger and fear in her, but I suspected only that it was typical teen angst, the same that I felt, at living in a dead end place with so-so prospects, viewing a big assed world and knowing only a sliver, if that, would ever be yours.

When that realization hit me years later, I was regretful that I didn't understand more and didn't do something. But what? At 17, I wasn't real good at managing myself, let alone helping someone else.

That's a long story to say that this may hit you in waves and to prepare for that.

Again, I am sorry for your loss and your son's as well.

Steven Timberman said...


I was in my creative writing class a few days ago and our teacher asked us why we wrote. I said that I wrote "to keep myself sane" with a slight smirk on my face.

Writing is the best therapy, and helps us through our darkest times. I'm twenty one and tried to slit my wrists a little over a year ago; I thank the fates that I was allowed to live beyond that day.

Keep on keeping on,
Steve T (from BalloonJuice)

missy said...

As the mother of an only child, a son, I can only imagine the pain of your loss. Thank you for sharing this bit of Nick with us. You and your wife and family are in my thoughts.

Marty H said...


I read about Nick last Wednesday and was rattled for a few days. I'm glad you are surrounded by many people who have expressed their condolences. Please extend my sympathy to Scottie.

Your friend in New York,


Unknown said...

Dear Chuck,

we didn't know your son, but wish to express our condolences after your sad news. Thank you for the very moving tribute to your son and to the difficulty of human existence. And thanks for sharing your deep feelings with us all. We all learn from each other and we are all in this together. Just know that our hearts and thoughts are with you as you move through this hard time.

Sincerely, Donna and Marshall

elkaholic said...

I spoke with Jeff P the other day and he told me about your loss. I am so sorry to hear of what you are going through and cannot begin to imagine your greif. In reading your blog I was reminded of my sister dying long before our parents and the feeling that it just isn't right. I'm lifting you up in my thoughts and prayers and asking for peace and comfort for you and your wife, though it is not likely to come soon, it will come. Take care my friend. Jim Sayers

nunya said...

I'm sorry for your loss. I lost a friend to suicide. I take solace in the hope that she is now at peace.

Anonymous said...

Dear Chuck,
I'm so sorry for your loss,your wife's, Nicks siblings, the entire family. The pain is devestating.
After my step-daughter and her 3 friends died (all in their 20's)a book titled, A Broken Heart Still Beats, became literally my bible. It's an anthology of literature dealing specifically with the death of a child. I love the written word as you obviously do......I sincerely hope it could help you, if you so desire, as it gave me so much needed comfort.
You're in my heart.

Anonymous said...

i knew nick.....we were very close...and i dont know exactly what to say...he was an amazing person. im soo sorry for your loss. i had soo much i wanted to say to you and now that im here writing all im coming up with is a blank. i read your blog in the paper last night and all i could do was crumble. i just broke down. i can imagine what you and your wife are going through too...i havent been able to sleep or eat since last wendsday night when i found out. i saw his picture in the paper last night along with the blog and it brought back his smile, his jokes, his all we have is his memories....but we'll all cherish them...its hard to except the fact that he did it... he had so much going for him if he could just get straitend out. if i could just see him one more time i know id have so much to say to him. he was my world. i learned alot from him. i looked up to him. he meant so much to me. as he did to you, i know. im soo sorry this happend to him and he lost his way...theres so much i planned on saying to him when he got out...and now theres so much ill never get to say...i know kinda what your goin through...losing someone you loved...this is what this is about. i dont know how you are dealing with it...because i have no clue how too. im lost....

my bio dad hung himself when i was about 6 or 7 i think. how can someone kill themself....and not care about what will happen to the people that care...what they'll they'll react. i wasnt close to him(my dad) at all...i hardly knew him...i didnt grow up with him. him and my mom divorced when i was born or shortly after. so i didnt really care...but with nick...i opened up to him. he was older than me. but he was one guy i trusted. i know you dont wanna hear how sorry i am...i know i dont. ive had people comin up to me everyday askin the same thing "are you ok?" or people tellin me the same thing. "dont do anything stupid."
i have depression of course when someone you loved alot passes...ur gunna get depressed. i try and think of all the things we had fun doing...but as you said, he always ended up getting bored. got tired of it. moved on to something else. i have alot of memories of him that i'll never forget...good and bad. but i'll never discard any of them because thats all i have left. i guess he just got tired of life...and everything in it.

i dont want this to sound like its all about me...i have never done this just trying to say something other than just "im sorry." i am but i want you to know theres alot more to it than just that. he was a great person that me and im sure alot of other people learned alot from. everyone at least once in there lives goes down the wrong road..i know i have started it slowly.

i once told him, "i dont ever want to lose you."

and now everyones lost him....

im trying to think of more to say...but i cant right now. it hurts just to think about him,. i still dont except the fact that hes gone for good...i had so much i wanted to say and now i cant.

i know your getting alot of mail about nick...but if you have time...even if it takes awhile....please wirte back...
i dont know how to deal with this and im sure you both are pretty lost about this to...

this is my email:

if you can please just message me.

Jeff Alworth said...

Chuck, since the election, I've been reading blogs only sparingly, and I regret that I haven't been to yours since this was posted. I am so glad you made the decision to share this news with the blogosphere. At the end of the day, it's greatest virtue is as a means of making connections.

My thoughts are with you and your wife--whom I feel I know just a tiny bit better now. I can't imagine the pain this must be causing you (or the effect of trying to quit smoking right now!). Hang in there--

Kien said...

Dear Chuck - I came across your post through Jon Swift. Thank you for sharing this sad experience with us. I've not experienced anything like that, but was very moved by what you wrote. I hope it is of some small comfort to you and your family to know that what you wrote touched a stranger (to you) living in Sydney, Australia. If I or anyone I know ever go through a similar pain, or if I ever come across a young man or woman struggling to keep going on with life, I will remember your post.

Anonymous said...

Dear Chuck,
As a classmate of Nicks and also a good friend i was rattled to hear what had happened. We had been friends since middle school and up untill recently we talked on a daily basise. Its taken me a hole week to pull myself somewhat together and still as i sit here im shaken. Nick was one of my most supportive friends..he convinced me to keep my daughter and i never got to tell him thank you. He might have had hard life but he sure did live it well. I know that hes watching over us all and telling us that it will all be alright all we have to do is belive... sincerly,

Dennis Mansfield said...

Randy Stapilus wrote me of your loss. My wife, Susan, and I send our broken hearted love to you.

Our son, Nate, 27, died in his sleep on March 11th. His was an adult life of substance abuse.

I am so sorry for your loss and for your pain.

Dennis Mansfield
Boise, ID

Anonymous said...

I pray, you can teach his daughter when she is born, the good things about her dad, its sad that he took his life, and did hold on to see his baby girl , god bless that baby girl

Vicki Mitchell said...

Chuck (Chip, when I knew you), this is Vicki Mitchell, from our Marion, Ohio days in grade school and beyond. My mother just heard from your mother about this heartbreaking news and I found this blog and your wrenching post. My heart aches for you and your family. I'm wrapping my warmest thoughts around you. Wishing you peace, dear childhood friend.

Brandi Ulrey said...

Nick worked for us a few years ago. He always reminded me of my younger brother - and it was heartbreaking to hear what had happened. There were times when his troubles certainly got the best of him, but I choose to remember the funny kid who did dishes like it was the most important job in the world. He was always so much fun - big smiles and lots of jokes - and I will never forget how proud he made me when he returned to Baker and came back into the cafe to say hi. Condolences to your family. . . words don't feel like enough, but it's all I have . . .

Bill said...

Your words really moved me.

My brother killed himself some 20 years ago, and I think he suffered from some of the same kinds of personal difficulties that your son did.

He made my life a bit of a hell, and for many years I hated him, and them he was gone. I've never really reconciled his death with the ambivalence I have or had felt towards him. But your words got me to thinking in a more positive way, so thank you.

My brother's death was truly devastating to my parents. Please don't blame yourselves, and good luck to you and your wife as you try to recover your sense of yourselves.

Rightwingsnarkle said...

I'm very sorry to hear about your son's death via Jon Swift's blog.

Thank you for sharing your grief, and for talking about Nick.

I wish I had something for you, that could somehow change this, or make it better, or make it go away.

Peace to you and your family.

john said...

Beautifully written memorial. Now *I'm* crying. I have a daughter who seems, please God, to have found some kind of way out of the wilderness. But she's lost two of her dearest friends to suicide, and the monster is always lurking in the bushes.

May you and your wife find some solace, somewhere, eventually.

Pamela Zydel said...

You don't know me. I found your blog through Jon Swift. I send prayers to you and your wife, because I am a Mom and I can not even imagine the unbearable pain you must endure. I admire your strength of mind to write such an insightful blog. I pray for peace of heart for you and your wife.

Robert D Johnson said...

Chuck, as a parent of young adults, I can only say I'm sorry, and I'll pray for you and your family. I found this blog accidentally. I got to know something of Nick through your note and the comments of others who knew him.

bitchphd said...

I, too, clicked over because of Jon Swift. I'm so, so terribly sorry for your loss.

My own son is only eight right now, and in my worst nightmares I fear such things, and such a thing, happening to him. My heart goes out to you.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss. My best to you and your wife.

jurassicpork said...

This is very belated token of condolence. I surfed on in from Jon Swift's place for the first time in months and saw thi.s still at the top.

I am so sorry for your loss. I am amazed that you had the strength to blog about it the same night you got the news. The police have to accept full responsibility for this. They arrest and detain people, they are responsible for their safety.

Once again, Chuck, my deepest condolences.

S.logan said...

May "the peace of God, which passes all understanding keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

You have my prayers.

james gramlich said...

Words seem so utterly inadequate. I'm sorry for your loss.

Don Durito said...

My belated condolences. I just noticed this at Jon Swift's blog.

dah_sab said...

My sincere condolences. I found my way here from Jon Swift's blog. I don't know you, but I do know that no parent should have to experience the pain you are feeling now. I can only hope that with time some understanding will come and some comfort will arrive to help you with your grief. I am so sorry this has happened. Good luck in the future. You deserve it.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear of your terrible loss. Your son, Nick, sounds like he was a terrific kid.

I found this moving tribute via Jon Swift. As soon as I can regain my composure, I'm going to go hug my beautiful boy. Just because I can, and no one knows what tomorrow may bring.

Peace to you and yours.

jhaygood said...

All parents learn that nature far outweighs nurture - our kids are what they are - we simply try to steer them as best we can, but they make their own choices.

I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm sure you will have times where you wish you could have done something more, but it sounds like you did all you could. Hang on to that truth, man, and those good memories. You provided the love and guidance, and your son lived his life the way he chose.

Unknown said...

My only child went through much the same things. He even attempted suicide.

I thank Gawd quite often that he did not succeed. He tried it on Thanksgiving five years ago, so I spent thanksgiving day breaking the land speed record getting to Phoenix AZ where he was hospitalized in the psych ward.

But that was the turning point for him and he is now a working, upstanding, fine young man that is thinking of settling down with a pretty woman and her two little girls.

Problem is, he is in construction and had to move to Oklahoma to get work..and I live in the San Joaquin Valley.

I miss him a lot. But at least I can go see him if the pain of missing him gets too bad.

I hope you an your wife are doing well and the pain of losing your son has dulled. Of course it never goes away.

Oso said...

I am so very sorry.For however little it is worth,please accept my condolences.My heart goes out to you,and to your family.

petra said...

Oh, honey, I don't know you, but my son died at the hands of my ex-husband, so I know me some loss. My heart goes out to you.

The Truffle said...

I'm so, so sorry.

Anonymous said...

dear chuck,
I so sorry that this is coming so late, but i'm so sorry to hear about nick. i went to school with nick and came to visit him in november before he passed away. I've have been reading this blog for sometime now and i just keep going back just to have a little something of nick. He meant so much to me. He's my best friend and someone that i loved a great deal. I want you to know that I'm so deeply sorry for your lose and I know that your son has touched my life more than I can ever tell you. Again i'm so sorry.


-blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said...

Hey, Chuck. I'm a dude from KS and, frankly, I know what hard-dogshit is like - you have to skkrape it off'n yer lawn in the morning. And, yay, another day of those slimy, disgusting crap that gets hard in the winter, 24/7 If you read our blog, you'll know without a doubt --- However, GOOD NEWS, pal!!! Nick's going to Heaven soon, where I'll have a BIG-OL party on my drawbridge for years. You're more than welcome. Be at peace. Best of all, Nick will be with us. Hoo-ray-gun!! Kick ass!!! So, be at peace, my friend. All is not lost. We still care for thy son. God bless.

Barry DeCicco said...

God, that hurts. I can't imagine how much; just reading your post brought tears to my eyes.

David Govett said...

Every parent's worst dread is what you experienced. We're all vulnerable and would sacrifice our own lives to avoid it. Your child's death resonates inside us parents, for he is our child.

Wait. What? said...

Sending heartfelt condolences for your tragic loss of your child.

Words are not enough.

Unknown said...

My deepest condolences to you and your family, I've lost my mother to her addictions and her charm, please know that there are many prayers, much love and soul being sent to you.

Woman in a Window said...

I don't know you but I know you, you know. Grief, it binds like that.

love to you and yours

Bernadine said...

What a beautifully written tribute to your son.

I'm horribly sorry to read this. It sounds like he was full of promise.

May God be with you and your family.

Lou said...

I have a troubled son,who exhibits these same behaviors. I fear I will one day be writing such a post on my own blog. Every day I give it over to my Higher Power, otherwise I could not stand it.

There are no words for such sadness. Only hope your son is free now.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. The visit you got from the police is one many of us dread, whether it's for a parent or a brother or a sister or a child. So very sorry you got that visit.

Jessie said...

Hi Chuck, i'm sorry. i'm sure he knew he was loved by your family. my prayers and deep condolences go out to you and your family.

warm hugs,

Ms Hen's said...

I'm coming from Cat's Blog Wait What? I'm so sorry. (hugs). I know don't know you.. but I am a parent too. (hugs)..prayers for your son too. (hugs)

Anonymous said...

I don't know you, and I've never read your blog. I found this by accident while looking for a CD online... My name is Max, and I cannot begin to tell you how much this moved me. I don't know how old your son was, but I have to tell you that I've been very very close to where he is now for a long time. I've been lost, floundering in my poor decisions and living with regret. I was even in jail and attempted suicide while there but was then placed in a private cell with video monitoring. If i had succeeded... well, I don't know what would have happened. But reading this, your story, I became painfully aware of how much an impulse decision can alter the life of a perfect stranger. If you ever want to, please contact me at Thank you, so much.

dubai property said...

I am so sorry to read about this and I am amazed your courage. May God give4 you patience at this tradegy.

Kimberly ann carley said...

Chuck: i just thought i'd let you know that your son was an amazing person. He was one of my best friends, all though we never got the chance to meet he was ALWAYS there when i needed someone to talk to. i will NEVER forget him & i wasent one of his stupid friends that were NO good! i Miss him So much its incredible. I'm gettin a Tattoo in his memory. I wanna let you know that he will be remembered by more than just his family and members of your town. He touched so many others. In the news report it said he left a letter but they wouldnt say what it said. I was & still am extreamly curious about it. I also believe that it is partly the "cops" fault. Nick messaged me & hinted to me what he was going to do. it was a cry for help & i responded. I called the Police station & everything telling them what had been said by him to me. They said they would Keep a look out for him. Then come to find out he was in jail uner their watch & they KNEW i had called in about the suicide letter! i Dont understand any of this. I'm Just as lost. I would love to have you maybe send me a good picture of him & his birth date and date he passed. thanks for your time and i'm sorry fot your Loss. i could only imagine the pain that your going thru because i knoew what i went thru and still am going through.

Ashi said...

may god bless you...

Mike said...

I know it's been a long time but you still most be in pain. I hope you can take care of yourself so you can handle this very low point. What a awful thing to go through.

Oylear said...

A few months or so before Nick left us he called me and asked if I would take a walk with him.. So we walked down around south baker, swinging on the swings, Just talking.. I sure with I could remember what we was talking about.... He was such a good friend. I never had any down moments with him.. I am thankful for that...... I am very sorry for the lose of your son.. I think about him from time to time and always google his name to see his picture. That is how I come across this blog..

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