Toward the end of the year I'll do a bit of a wrap up of the year, now it's about saying thanks to my readers. Your presence is what makes the doing of this worthwhile, there isn't much fame and no fortune whatever involved with this endeavor, just me and you. Some special friends of "Chuck for..." bear mentioning, Middle Earth Journal, has been a supporter of me personally and this blog and Jon Swift has sent more than a few readers this way. Zak from Blue Steel Democrats for links and doing background research to add to my posts. Steve Cully's occasional posts have helped broaden the dialogue and bring a fresh voice. Thanks to my commenters for their input and keeping it reasonable. KISS has been a loyal reader and frequent commenter from very nearly the beginning.
I wish I had a present for the readers from around this country and the world to unwrap today, this is the best I can do.
As the year draws to a close I wish to thank you for a forum that allows me to express my views, even when you disagree with me.
My respect for you and this blog does not come because we think alike, but because we both believe in government being about and for people, a rare thing is this day.
With corporations muscling their way over our elected, blogs such as this might be the means of equalization.
May your family and the families of those that read and participate have a wonderful year of honest, open and transparent government.
A free society allows people to present their views and a chance to change minds. Take that away and they start to plan revolution. An open forum is less messy and bloody. Thanks Chuck
Hi, Chuck, I see you dropped by for B.A.D. Thanks, and please feel free to express yourself on my blog as you wish.
Incidentally, who is that handsome furball posing in the snow? Quite the pup!
I agree with your "ALL the Civil Liberties" stance, btw. I don't own a gun because I haven't got around to it, but I think people should be free to do so (barring, of course, the mentally ill and habitually violent). And those who own guns should be responsible for their weapons and their acts. Just my 2c.
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