***As always click pic for full size***

Due to unforeseen circumstances I had Sunday morning free and the Salem HOG Chapter had something to do - about 140 miles of Poker Run east, south, and west of Salem. Pretty riding though being pushed out of 6th gear hammered gas mileage. You can see much less than half the bikes. HOG = Harley Owners Group.

These are a few of the riders gathering at Salem Harley for the Poker Run.

The State Park Ranger was busy cleaning up the park at a covered bridge which was a draw stop for the Run. I suppose when he pulled in he thought he'd parked conveniently - then bikes started pulling in ... and pulling in ... and pulling in.

The park lot overflowed - considerably.

I managed an abysmal poker hand, an Ace high nothing which was way too high for Worst hand. At each stop you draw a card from a deck and have it noted on a score card and it was a darned good thing I hadn't hocked anything to play.
Yes, I enjoy blogging and yes sometimes I really do think I have something to say; but some things trump that. It is 400 miles of twisty mountainous roads from here to Salem and at this time mother and baby live there. He recognizes me and reacts very favorably to me and has no father since he is dead so there is a gap that needs filling. That statement discounts how much he has charmed me.
At six weeks he is teething, an early timing and makes his moods pretty variable. Grandpa creates smiles and laughter and tires him out - a break for Mom. In this scenario you all come second and there is the additional draw of ... Harley.
1 comment:
Lots of bikes and one beautiful baby. Welcome to the world, little Braden. He's just precious.
And,I LOVE That last pic with all the Harleys lined up on the street. Niiiice!
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