Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Congratulations to Jeff Merkley

While this blog gave a narrow endorsement to Jeff's competitor, I am happy to give him an unconditional congratulations and offer of support. Jeff Merkley is an accomplished legislator and upholder of Democratic principles. He is an able campaigner and with real support should be able to defeat Sen Gordon Smith, Oregon's faux moderate Republican.

You will note the Merkley ActBlue contribution box that still exists on the side bar, please use it as often as you can. Gordon Smith is fat with bucks, and guess where they come from. This guy needs to go, Oregon deserves better and Jeff Merkley is so many multiples of better, exponentially better that we need to get behind him now.

It has been a fine thing for DPO to keep the heat on Gordon while the Primary played out, but now we have a candidate who needs to do it personally. That is going to take real resources, this is a big state and much of Gordon's support in it is in limited media markets where the personal touch of Jeff's personableness and political savvy will play well. Eastern Oregon responds well to retail politics, the personal contact counts heavily with folks whose only other contact is with "in the bag" media. This takes real money and the where to get it is from us.

The DSCC has a lot of races to be interested in, their support will be spread thin, so counting on them is not reasonable. Beyond that consideration is the big one, Jeff Merkley is our candidate, Oregon's - not DC's. Jeff and the national political arms need to know we support him and do so in a meaningful way. Today I'm using that link to send Jeff a congratulatory present, think about it, yourself.

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