The setup shown is for cowboy action shooting, the revolvers are SAA Colt patent Uberiti's in 3 1/2" barrel .45Colt, the rifle is a Marlin Model 1895 Lever in 45-70 Govt, 400 gr flatnoses with 57 gr of IMR 4895 pushing them means it shoves a shooter around. There is nothing in North America that has not been hunted with that rifle and round. The dollar bill is for scale, the rounds are next to their guns.
Cowboy Action shooting involves a course of fire that is set up as a scenario, typically Old West, many competitors dress in period dress. I don't plan to. The part of the set up that is not shown is the double holsters for the revolvers and scabbards for the shotgun and rifle, the part that I have not yet put together.
All the pieces perform excellently, the shotgun is quick on the point, the revolvers are a pure delight to shoot, the lever action is very accurate and hits like a freight train. Once I start to compete I'll put up some photos of competition, better ones than these taken with dying batteries. The idea probably seems a little like playing cowboys and Indians with real guns, yes there is that aspect, but it also involves becoming very proficient with these guns in near real world practice and every one of these firearms is a very serious piece.
My Blog has been hit several times per week with Google searches for coach gun because I mentioned the shotgun once, I have now put up a result for those searchers. I consider this particular shotgun a very good buy for the price.
So how does the training of your horse go? I'm somewhat interested as a horse person, but lack the setup for training the beastie herself.
(for a look at the beastie, go to http://community.webshots.com/user/usagimom and look at any of the Mocha pics).
Just curious.
Oh no, no live steeds. When it involves a saddle, its more of a sawhorse than a whinny horse. Honestly it would get out and out dangerous to have critters involved and it would be horrid for their ears. There's a lot of powder burned and some of this stuff is near cannon in nature.
Hmm. There *are* some cowboy shooting competitions that involve live steeds. Western Horseman has a writeup about it occasionally. That's right, that stuff is "mounted" cowboy action shooting. Usually you run a pole bending course at a gallop (I think beginner courses allow for a walk or trot) while shooting at targets from horseback.
Dang. I was hoping you'd had some up close and personal training insights.
Have you tried IMR4198 rather than 4895? A lot more mellow to shoot the Marlin with 4198.
4198 was first recommended to me by the guy that sold me my old 45-70 Marlin. Nice load, but for some reason I wanted something stronger. 4895 made shooting the rifle so much of an effort, because of the recoil, I realized I should have stuck with 4198.
I tried 4198 but I got more drop than I wanted for some of the ranges I was shooting at with the 400 gr., it worked well for 300 gr that I had some of. I use it in another rifle, 7.5x65 Arg Mauser that I haven't shot in a couple years.
I don't weigh much so just about anything in the 45-70 is going to push me around, 4895 just pushes a little more.
Thanks for the advice, it was only chance that I'd tried it
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