I cannot think of a single reason that the rich need any help being rich. They already have an entire economic system geared to their wealth manufacturing. Exactly why anyone who is not rich buys into their argument evades me. It is true that there is a non-political balance to the depredations of the plutocrats, but the social disorder entailed in simply taking away the appurtunances of wealth by force seems less desirable than political intervention. I am entirely unconvinced that a paper fiction (corporation) deserves individual standing under the Constitution .
Maybe being for economic and social justice somehow equates to petting terrorists on the head, I don't see it; maybe the idea that a tyranny based in DC is no more attractive to me than any other tyranny, confuses. Or maybe some people are just so blinded by their propaganda that they cannot read or understand plain English.
Let's start out with some things I am not. I am not a pacifist, not even close, but I get to decide who needs killing by me. If I agree with the government we get along fine, if we don't - we are not going to get along. I have the right to say "hell no I won't go" and they have the right to put me in jail for not going (did when I was draft bait, anyhow). If you have the idea that means I'm not able to be seriously dangerous for my own reasons or wouldn't advocate this government be seriously dangerous for reasons I agree with, you cannot read. I also know that war is a nasty brutal wasteful business, to be engaged in only at last resort and then with utmost seriousness and a committed nation - and with real cost to the nation. Sometimes it just has to be done and then you crush your enemy, but it is far smarter to find a way to good results that doesn't involve war. Killing and injuring people and smashing things is poisonous to good aims and good people. Soldiers and nations don't get to walk away from doing it for free, there are long term costs to it. No, I'm not a pacifist; but stupid use of the military not only offends me, it makes me an ardent opponent.
I don't advocate coddling law breakers, but I also oppose stupid laws that create crimes where none need exist and I firmly believe that people can change/reform. Not that they will, that they can. Big pharma is the biggest pusher around, for the most part, illegal drugs are simply competition to be smashed by plutocratic government. Possession and sale of illegal drugs is just a fact of life, the dangerous and socially damaging aspects of drug use is against the law, driving while impaired is a crime, whether the drug is alcohol, pot, or Pharma's creation. Take you pick, it is against the law anyhow. Tax the stuff and regulate its production and take those folks out of the jails. Allow the system to let the people who wish to correct their criminal malfunction to correct it, draconian sentencing and one size fits all offenders is bound to fail and simply will produce a more antisocial criminal with better crime skills. State sanctioned murder - capital punishment fails 2 tests, one omnipotence isn't a human attribute and second the killing moves society to the level of the offender and spreads the responsibility so widely that it is not comprehended.
There are two parts to illegal immigration, one is the entirely understandable human desire to improve the lot of yourself and your family and be willing to take risks and work hard to do it; ignoring this aspect manufactures bigotry. Then there is the aspect of the creation of a criminal enterprise from smugglers to the illegals to the complicit employers and the crushing of wages. I could fill an entire blog page with the negative out comes of criminal enterprises, this is a tad different than 5 over in a 55. The social effects of a disenfranchised serf class are horrendous, from the wreckage of social services to the corrosive effects on the general population of having such a class existing in this country. The removal of the magnet is the first step, hiring and services beyond emergency lifesaving are not the province of those not here legally, two effects run hand in hand, the illegal residents leave and artificially low wages rise. If all farmers have to pay legal employee wages nobody goes broke, they're all in the same position, it is the tolerance of the cheats that bankrupts the legal employer. Sure the border needs controlled, but that becomes a heck of a lot easier when numbers are lower for lack of a draw. Birth citizenship is not something you allow the government to mess about in, but it need confer absolutely nothing on the parents, leave and take the child, leave and leave the child here, their problem to solve. Finally there is the matter of people who have been here for a long time and paid some dues, they need to be dealt with in a manner that recognizes that. I don't have a magic formula, but I would think a decade of residence without other crimes and a demonstrated willingness to repair their records and obligations would have some bearing along with a probationary period. The Bush/Kennedy mess was an affront, there should be some way to approach fairness without giving the store away. I'm not going to spend a bunch of time working out a policy and the nuts and bolts - I don't have the power to do anything about enacting one, so I'll offer concept for consideration.
The BOR, whoa lefties and righties, I'm in serious favor of the stringent limits the founders tried to put on the government's ability to interfere with the individual. The idea that the government gets to be the only armed entity isn't passing muster, but neither is the idea that those hambones get to have "extra" tools to prosecute and enforce. The 9/11 fear card is nonsense, they had everything they needed to stop it, except competence. Their inability to get out of their own way has no effect on my liberties or my insistence on them. The Second also says I get to insist if the system fails. Don't bother with "what are you going to do with an armored division?" nonsense, we have good evidence of how dangerous an angry and armed populous is. BushCo is more dangerous to this country than all the terrorists put together, they can't take a damned thing away from me but my life, his ilk gets us to take our way of life away.
I am not a political place saver, I work within DPO to help the Democratic Party but that does not mean I'll work for Democratic candidates or plans that I disagree with, rather I use whatever status I have to advance what I believe is correct. Sometimes a political favorite such as Hillary may come along and appeal to quite a few in the party, that does not mean that there is one thing I'd do to help her cause, I don't like her version of politics.
Take a deep breath folks, I ain't just exactly what you may expect, so deal with it. Read the words I write, not the ones you hear in your head; there may be quite a difference.
By the way, I am not running for any office and I will not run for any office.
Besides Hillary's great love for the second amendment the trade deals her husband was all for, NAFTA, worries the crap out of me. She and George both like this free trade, open borders crap that has our nation exporting jobs and importing people. I fear a democratic majority if she wins. I really fear a Guilliani victory. That guy is a manupulating snake in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteI wish to hell the main stream media would let us hear more from the non contenders like Paul, Tancredo, Hunter and a democrat that isn't running like Byron Dorgan. I'll write in some body.
Off topic I know but has anybody heard if Gordon Smith plans to meet with his constituency during this break?
ReplyDeleteYou Say You're Confused? said CHUCK:
ReplyDeleteChuck...not Hillary? WHY NOT?
You can't mean that the next best thing to Bill, won't make your cut? I'M SHOCKED!
On the next: YOU SAID,
Possession and sale of illegal drugs is just a fact of life, the dangerous and socially damaging aspects of drug use is against the law, driving while impaired is a crime, whether the drug is alcohol, pot, or Pharma's creation. Take you pick, it is against the law anyhow. Tax the stuff and regulate its production and take those folks out of the jails. Allow the system to let the people who wish to correct their criminal malfunction to correct it, draconian sentencing and one size fits all offenders is bound to fail and simply will produce a more antisocial criminal with better crime skills. State sanctioned murder - capital punishment fails 2 tests, one omnipotence isn't a human attribute and second the killing moves society to the level of the offender and spreads the responsibility so widely that it is not comprehended.
You are so far left, I bet money George Soro's sends you a check each month. ILLEGAL...define it and get back to me.
Killing and injuring people and smashing things is poisonous to good aims and good people. Soldiers and nations don't get to walk away from doing it for free, there are long term costs to it. No, I'm not a pacifist; but stupid use of the military not only offends me, it makes me an ardent opponent.
Hey Chuck...WTF would you have the 5th MARINE DIV DO?
I'm even more convinced your on SORO'S PAYROLL.
I may have the means to check that out...HOPE NOT! Would blow that old credibility diatribe for sure....OUT!
Soros??? ahahahahahah First this wouldn't rise to the level of his notice and second even George doesn't have enough money to buy me.
ReplyDeleteWTF do you think 5th Marine Div or any combat unit's job is? Killing and smashing is what combat is. If you're trying to maintain that people walk away from it free of charge either you've never been in it or you're psychopathic. Exacting that toll on our kids and the Iraqis for George II's ego and your overactive imagination is sickening. Just because some authoritarian figure says something is so, doesn't make it so, unfortunately for your point of view the actual evidence keeps undermining it.
Soros??? ahahahahahah First this wouldn't rise to the level of his notice and second even George doesn't have enough money to buy me.
ReplyDeleteYou maybe right on the level issue, Hell Chuck, your a wanna be if I ever saw one.
You are right, I'M NUTS!
Two tours nuts!
I hated losing in tiddlywinks, I hated losing in Nam, I hated that when my son was nearly killed by a sniper ...He couldn't fire back due to rules of engagement.
Bush's ego...AHH COME ON CHUCK???
He is NOT the best ever, not the worst either. If he dropped OBL'S head in your lap..YOU WOULD STILL NOT BE SATISFIED, CAUSE Kerry was your boy! Ron Paul...please!
You remind me of a second LT. in 1968, He was sure he could just talk to the little bastards and convince them they should lay down their AK47'S, you don't want to hear what he did lay down.
Still waiting for MARK RICH, AND ALL OF BUBBA'S PARDONS....say Chuck, do you, you know...DO A LITTLE WEED, once in awhile?
After all your support for legalization, I bet you have some real bright lights in your "green" garden.
sorry to disappoint, I use neither legal nor illegal drugs beyond Camel straights, coffee, and an occasional aspirin.
ReplyDeleteWhich part of not a pacifist missed you? Which part of having our government be damned dangerous missed you? Which part of election 02 missed you? WJC is not president, hasn't been for over 6 years. Your team has been in charge for nearly a dozen years, your team screwed the pooch.
Now, I've let you go on and on but here's the drill, give yourself a "handle" and stick to what I write, quit making stuff up or you'll just get ashcanned. I'm not your 2nd Lt and I've never said I encourage "self-medication" and judging from your 'comments' you'd do well to knock it off. Oh, yeah, AOL is pretty lame.
Before I go Chuck, your well laid out blog(SEE,I CAN SAY SOMETHING NICE ABOUT YOU) has an interesting account of how many times you used a word(lets take Republican)IF YOU USED THE WORD...the bottomline was at best HATE FILLED.
ReplyDeleteHATE, is a word used quite a bit by the left, usually degrading people like me for hating "something!" ANYTHING AT ALL.
Truth be known(OK,I honestly skimmed a bit) but your post's if I placed a bet on it...I'D BET YOUR RACER WOULD BE MINE, IF YOU WANTED TO PUT IT UP....YOUR USE OF THE WORD WAS 89.77% HATE DIRECTED OR INFERED.... SHAME ON YOU CHUCK!
It must be the fiber in your diet, or lack of, I KNOW I feel better when I get the crap out of my system you expect me to swallow.
Thank god you were not there...I would have come home in a box.
ReplyDeleteNo, Bubba isn't there...the stench is ,but that will be a let history sort that out for him and Bush 43.
YOU SAID: Your team has been in charge for nearly a dozen years,
Yes, that is true...and no attacks on our soil either since 911. Not yet, cause your "team" keeps trying to dilute anything we do to stop another attack.
You are so typical,of a true lIBBER, as long as it isn't in my backyard...HELL, ANYTHING GOES!
WHAT IF I'M RIGHT CHUCK,ABOUT MY FEAR'S....you wanna pay the price for my being right...When that happen's and you and yours take the hit, you can KISS MY REAR, CAUSE THERE WILL BE NO COMPSSION FOR YOUR LOSS, NO WHAT SO EVER.
Your accuracy leaves much to be desired, the word "hate" has ocurred a handful of times on this Blog, several of the references were "hate to say" sort of thing, a couple referred to the relationship between Shiites and Sunnis and two referred to "hate speech" regarding KSFO which has advocated killing Democrats which qualifies as hate I think.
ReplyDeleteI repeat back what the Republicans say and do; and that sounds bad to you? It's not my job to fix them, it's your Party, it's my job to defeat their stupidities and get along with their well considered ideas (few as they've been for the last decade). Too bad for you and them. I have an excellent relationship with some Republican bloggers, they just don't happen to be the bunch in charge. You can even find a link to one on my blogroll.
A 12.75 street car is a 12.75 street car, neither more nor less. It is a pretty cool car, but that doesn't make putting it heads up with 12 sec car anything more than wishful thinking. I don't race ego, I race a car and when I go rounds I've done it well, when I get put on the trailer early, I've screwed up. I have my hands full dealing with a car that has marginal traction for its power and a handling suspension rather than drag but that's what I built it for so that's what it is. As for the blue oval, it's cheaper and easier to get power from a bowtie and that's why bowties out number the ovals on the track in in winner's lane. Doesn't make them particularly better, sure makes for a lot more of them.
What if you're right? Doesn't matter since you start at the wrong place and guarantee that some Federal agent is going to do a sneak peak and get killed for it or a citizen killed. It doesn't matter since the terrorists succeed if you ruin the country.
ReplyDeleteThe gun grabbers operate on exactly the same basis you do and I don't suppose you approve? If you served you know that your oath was to the Constitution, not GWB nor his fear mongering. YOU don't like Hillary? How about Hillary with GWB's power grabs? I don't like it, you must since you approve of it. What magical method do you and the BushCo have to keep that power from falling into the hands of somebody other than your approved list?
No terrorist attacks? Every time BushCo opens its mouth another one occurs, look at you, so scared you'd give up what people have died to create and protect. You listen to people who get discredited with a day or two and feed your fear and feed it. Cripes, at least I get paid money to get my adrennilin going - yes my work is frequently risky.
Your accuracy leaves much to be desired, the word "hate" has ocurred a handful of times on this Blog, several of the references were "hate to say" sort of thing, a couple referred to the relationship between Shiites and Sunnis and two referred to "hate speech" regarding KSFO which has advocated killing Democrats which qualifies as hate I think. SAID CHUCK:
ReplyDeleteHATE IS ALL WRAPPED UP IN YOUR BLOG CHUCK, just say Bush,and your tone goes south.
I hate like you, so you get somewhat of a pass, you see we do have something in common.
HATE...for me is making the illegal...LEGAL.Do you think that need's an explanation? You, and your mindset cover the gamut of just about all you stand for in this blog.
Your just like you thin Bush is, your politics are all about POWER!
Your words may seem to say one thing,Constitution and all, but the words in it...DIDN'T ALLOW ILLEGALS IN HERE, TERROR AGENTS TO DO AS THEY PLEASE...AS THEY USE OUR OWN LAWS TO DEFEAT US.
You are an open target for the good of those words to be abused to get to us in one way or another.
Bush...THE WORD ALONE FREEAKS YOU OUT, so don't tell me I'm scared, only of people like you.
The "framers" never allowed for a 911, not a clue in their great works to combat how to stop it.
I bet your going to tell me a "libber" party likely in power in 08, would never use wire taps.
BSBSBSBSBS, Then why did they allow, and sign on recently to continued use? WHY??? I'll tell you why your "team" I bet you will tell me got lied to again,because Bush showed them evidence that show's "GEE, CHUCKER,WE HAVE A VAST AMOUT OF PEOPLE HERE THAT WANT US DEAD.
I know already Chuck...Bush lied!
You are so close to SORO'S you, if not paid...IF YOU DON'T GET AN OFFER..it would shock me...PERIOD!
"You listen to people who get discredited with a day or two and feed your fear and feed it."
Discredited, by who? you, SORO'S, AIR AMERIKA, CNN, ABC NBC, THE OREGONION...sure they do Chuck, they are all lairs...gee, that's how I will answer all you put up from now on....but that ploy isn't playing much anymore, why? too much of it get's discredited.
let me leave you with this:
15 August 2007: Today, the headline from ABC News' Brian Ross reads: "Exclusive: U.S. Studying Two Dozen 'Clusters' of Possible Homegrown Terrorists." The report adds: U.S. law enforcement officials say they have identified more than two dozen "clusters" of young Muslim men in the northeast United States who are on a path that could lead to homegrown terror, ABC News has learned.
In the July 20, 2007 edition of the HQ INTEL-ALERT Private Intelligence Report (page two, "Current Threat Assessment):
"... there are more than 50 Islamic terrorist cells and nearly one thousand individuals identified as operable threats suspected to be presently inside the United States. (Most of the 1000 or so individuals are directly associated with the cells identified, although about 5-10% are not believed to have any direct connection to such cells). There are active investigative and surveillance operations being conducted by federal authorities to some degree on each group, which he described as being very well organized and very well funded."
Yes Chuck...I KNOW, it's all scare tactics.
PS, add one lowly young Iranian kid who isn't a trigger man...JUST RAN A "CANDY STORE" of weapons and ammo for them...just a hard working,American born kid, a contractor.
ReplyDeleteOperated with no contractor license...NO PERMITS, you know, we don't need no stinking BUSHCO goverment telling us what to do.
So into power and money, he'd sell his "
rat soul" to aid a "brother!"
Nope, I haven't made this up, it just hasn't made the nightly news yet...WHEN,it does....send me that RACING wreck, cause you're not the I'm sorry type.
I find this bore, with a vapid intellect, to swallow the Texas Turd's lies to be so obstreperous.
ReplyDeleteWhen did Sorros ever steal the constitutional rights away?
This so called hero of 2 stupid wars that one was lost, and their other mired in quicksand and is proud of his accomplishments What an ego!
When I was in the service I took an oath to honor and protect the constitution, and to maintain the sovereignty of America. So far the Texas Turd has violated that oath and should be tried for treason.
In most wars guns and butter were off the menu. You could not have both, but the Texas Turd has proclaimed the wealthy should not suffer but actually gain more wealth as blood is spilled for oil.
While proclaiming freedom for the Iraqis he is usurping our rights as fast as possible. Katrina gave him the excuse to confiscate all guns, doing away with the 2nd amendment. The patriot act with latest provisions allows illegal eavesdropping on Americans. The same act allowed for torture and prisons outside the USA and allowed the accused Not to be able to face their accuser not have a speedy trial in an American court.Than of late May and July Executive Order give him dictatorship powers for about anything he wishes to call an emergency.The Texas Turd gets away with this because of the fringe lunatic's such as as ex marine who projects a bagatelle of self-importance.
DEAR KISS...whos' armed forces? IF YOUR OUT....THANK GOD!