Thursday, August 16, 2007

White House's "Petraeus" Report

Buried deep in the LA Times report is the meat of the story, the long "anticipated" report by Petraeus and Amb Crocker will be no such thing, it will be written by the White House. With input, of course. Apparently the debate is how to credibly claim progress, credibly...

Al Qaeda in Iraq has overplayed its hand in Anbar, mimicking the BushCo stupidity of forgetting how tribal Iraqis are. Foreign fighters might manage to avoid resentment IF they keep to the "enemy of my enemy" school but as soon as they start acting like conquerors they're screwed. So they move along to where they're not already poison. And US troops somewhere else and Iraqis somewhere else have to deal with their depredations.

Meanwhile the Iraqi government (such as it ever was) is falling apart. Moktada's Mahdi Army is splintering out of whatever psychopathic control he had and US troops are pressing them. The Shiite militia faction in the Iraqi govt is way unhappy, the Sunnis are bailing, and there's nobody there with the glue to hold it together. Too much payback on the Sunnis for them to want to risk playing, the Shiite militias' government cover is inadequate so they're unhappy and Maliki has no credibility anywhere. Iran knows better, BushCo is tired of being burned, and Iraqis in general would like some power and water and maybe some sanitary services (oh hell, and to not be shot at for awhile).

BushCo worked real hard to have this war, they're not going to just lay down for Congress, they'll spin something. And Congress will just take it. They'll just take it because some of them honestly believe in this mess, because Lackey is too nice a word for some, because some have little to no nerve, and because for some there just aren't the votes - thanks to the other categories. BushCo will have this war for just exactly as long as George II stays in office, the reality on the ground in Iraq and in the US has no bearing, not now and not ever. The ones who might have had some ability to sway this are gone and have proven what butt kissers they actually are - Colin Powell springs to mind - and what's left are a band of incompetents. Condi Rice may be able to play piano but she's definitely not up to even mid-level management in government, Karl is gone (so much for the political end), Albie will cover BushCo as long as he can (conscience won't get in the way), Gate doesn't have the power, or the will, yep our kids will continue to die for the ego of the neocons and GWB for the foreseeable future.





    When I wrote the op-ed piece, “I Have Seen the Horror,” published August 3rd in the New York Daily News, I cited three areas that had experienced dramatic change in 2007—change that convinces me the “surge” is working:

    1. Iraqis are uniting across sectarian lines to drive al Qaeda in all its disguises out of Iraq, and they are empowered by the success they are having, each one creating a ripple effect of active citizenship.

    2. The Iraqi Army is much more capable now than they were in 2005. They are not ready to go it alone, but if we keep working, that day will come soon.

    3. General Petraeus is running the show. Petraeus may well prove to be to counterinsurgency warfare what Patton was to tank battles with Rommel, or what Churchill was to the Nazis.

    I based my appraisal not on the common wisdom about Iraq, but on what I had seen firsthand and had been writing about in the recent series of dispatches about the days following the launch of Operation Arrowhead Ripper

    LOOK IT UP....then ,well, never mind, that wouldn't be nice!

  2. How surprising that you don't quote Ann Couter and her insidious lies, too. Sometime try Michael Ware...he is there in Iraq and tells it like it is. No white wash from him like the Texas Turd, and his Cretin minions. Blood for oil, this shame will stain America for eons.

  3. nice find on this Chuck,

    i linked to this up over at LoadedO in a comment on a discussion regarding Wyden's "Trust but Verify" statement.

  4. KISS said...
    How surprising that you don't quote Ann Couter and her insidious lies, too. Sometime try Michael Ware...he is there in Iraq and tells it like it is. No white wash from him like the Texas Turd, and his Cretin minions. Blood for oil, this shame will stain America for eons.

    Dear Kiss,You shot yourself in the foot, as well as your mouth off.

    Michal Yon's blog is reported NOT from some a hotel room in the Green area of Bagdad, it's reported from "walking point" with real combat troops, not assumption of idiots like you and Chuck.

    My son JR. saw him all over Iraq from the ride up to Bagdad ,the first fights, to riding shotgun on a Bradley, and getting involved in a firefight when two troops froze while LTC Eric Kurilla was lying on a steet, his legs shot out from under him by one of those Mis-understood AL-quida types you think we should honar for their sacrafices... Stay out of something you haven't a clue.

  5. Michael Yon : Online Magazine
    Michael Yon does not receive funding or financial support from any news media, movie, book or television deals at this time. These dispatches are entirely ... - 65k - Similar pages

    [ More results from ]

    KISS...educate might change your shorts too

  6. To Chuck and all who read this:

    I did three trips to Iraq and now retired. I can only, sort of, wrap my mind around the people that kill like this - in Iraq - last news report was maybe 400 dead. A lot of explosive you can get into a truck. They did an 11,000lb VBIED across the river from whre I was at in Baghdad - 1/2 - 3/4 of a mile - and I thought a mortar round had went off next to my hooch, it shook that hard.

    The Arab world is silent on most of this. They savor their suicide bombers because they know they will never have armies to match the armies of the West.

    I frequently think, that we should let them annihilate themselves and let us stay out of it. They won’t stay where they are at when there is nothing left to kill.

    I talked to one Iraqi about this, he said essentially, “these people grew up killing, thats all that they know.”

    I don’t think it will stop. You have to adjust a mindset, and I don’t think we are ready to do what we had to do in 1945-46-47, etc.

    Do you get the reality of the last paragraph?

    Because of people like you...we will not have the "guts" to win a war again. We will soon lose all we hold as to the pillars this country was built on.

    It's cowards killing us, then Political correctness, then a radical religon, then a "RACE" of people who by the sake of numbers alone....will walk over our dead bodies sooner then later, all because of Cowards and 1000 yr. old killers.

    If we had the guts....Iran would be asking for mercey, before the 2nd bomb was dropped, those that think we haven't the courage to enforce laws, would find themselfs eating baloney sandwichs or eating a requested last meal, then and only then would the USA STAND UPRIGHT AGAIN.

  7. DAMN CHUCK: You sure riled him up!

    If the tone was correct, you pissed him off but good!

    By the way...which group he mentioned do you fit in?

  8. Now I understand you, hard thing to do. You either have PMS, or as we use to call Battle Fatigue.
    Well, take your Prozac and have a nice day.

  9. Age: 54
    Gender: Male
    Astrological Sign: Gemini
    Zodiac Year: Snake

    The above is Chuck,A snake, with two heads.

    Me: 60..ex Marine, A Sag, no PMS.

    Battle Fatigue. Maybe, you'd be tired too if you thought people like KISS an the Chuckster were killing your country, DAMN TIRED!

  10. I haven't posted in awhile. Have been busy trying to organize a chapter of the Minute Man Civil Defense Corps here in Chuck's home town. I too am a 60 year old marine, Viet Nam vet. I too want to get the hell out of Iraq. I don't think we can ever kill enough of them to make them love each other. Let them go at it and in the mean time let's get these damned borders secure. Our commander in chief doesn't seem interested in doing so.

  11. "killing your country" might depend a whole lot on what you define as "your country." Apparently you prefer a police state of lawless detention, wire taps, secret searches, secrecy of every political issue, politics as administration of justice, lying in courtrooms, pandering to theocrats while advancing plutocrats and a mindless war to support favored corporatists accompanied by rhetoric about treason by opponents and institutionalized fear mongering. You demonstrate a lack of intelligence and ability to question your authorities.

    Thanks for serving, really, but don't get your knickers in a knot thinking that makes you politically or sociologically correct, I know as many 'Nam Army and Marine combat vets who'd laugh you out of a room as you know that agree with you.

    No, I am not a Vet but I have taken serious physical risks for this country and people have died around me, I only state this as a part of my comitment to the good of this country. You don't like my politics, so what? I don't propose to do anything to you, you propose to do things to us - that is a difference.

  12. I too want to get the hell out of Iraq. I don't think we can ever kill enough of them to make them love each other. Let them go at it and in the mean time let's get these damned borders secure. Our commander in chief doesn't seem interested in doing so.


    O311, 65/69 2/5.

    History my brother, we have lost sight of history and what it has taught us.

    War is not fun,(RNR Austraila was fun)War is fought to do what WIN!...War is as Patton said in that great opening movie speech.

    The other SOB, get him to die for his country.

    Human nature, no matter how radical your beliefs are will prevail if your life is going to end...survival needs will kick in..IE "THE FIRST BOMB, WASN'T ENOUGH, BUT VAPORIZING THOUSANDS WITH THE SECOND WAS THE KICKER TO THE END.

    I asked a young Iranian kid here in Portland, "what would it take to end world wide terror?"

    "You haven't killed enough of them yet!"

    We need a Patton to call that little slime in Iran,tell him the next IED set off anywhere in the world, and the phone he took the call on is melted plastic...REST ASSURED MY BROTHER, He would use the weapon if he has the chance, and closing the border is not enough, unless you allow a mass round up of anyone that resembles OBL, and have them shook out one by one.

    Its people lie KISS an Chuck, who will stand and blame Bush for breathing, AND NOT SUPPORT measures to insure our max safety...THE LEFT WILL NEVER WORK ALONG THOSE LINES...Therefore we are going to pay in way's we never will cope with.

    I'm inline with my son, who did 2 tours in Iraq, he got out after 13 yrs...RULES OF ENGAGEMENT/PC WARS.

  13. "your country." Apparently you prefer a police state of lawless detention, wire taps, secret searches, secrecy of every political issue, politics as administration of justice, lying in courtrooms, pandering to theocrats while advancing plutocrats and a mindless war to support favored corporatists accompanied by rhetoric about treason by opponents and institutionalized lying in courtrooms. You demonstrate a lack of intelligence and ability to question your authorities. SAID CHUCK:

    lawless detention, You mean Chuck, like PADILLA, HE GOT HIS DAY IN COURT, HE WAS AN ENEMEY COMBATANT....He would have supported killing your I said, you are mentally unstable.

    wire taps, You worried about something? You would prefer that phone calls made from overseas into this country with the ability to pickup "keywords" be ignored, and a bomb is set off, and then you wanna do something??? "CLEARLY YOUR CONSTIPATION HAS OVERCOME WHAT JUDGEMENT YOU HAVE LEFT.

    "lying in courtrooms" WHAT???? you think a little lie to cover his "pec--- track's isn't a lie?

    More fiber CHUCK!


    Last time I posted on this subject Chuck, I "killed" bandwidth!

    AL-QUIDA (SP?) is too be feared, world wide, wherever our flag and feet are's to be feared.

    Like I said Chuck..I FEAR THISE WHO DON'T!

    "Lastly....You demonstrate a lack of intelligence and ability."

    On this we agree...YOU DON'T SEE THAT 3000 PEOPLE DEAD IN ONE SWOOP, ON YOUR SOIL, OUR COUNTRY, MY COUNTRY ISN'T REASON TO GET MAD...STAY MAD, and do whatever to see it doesn't happen again,,,,IS A "lack of intelligence" for sure.

    Was a state winner in DEBATE in 1964 at Linfield College from a southern Oregon high school, you would have been a first round loser for sure.

    PS: Chuck, I honestly care and fear for your family's bad it doesn't work both way's.

    PS2: Chuck, face it...I'm good for your old blog...up tell then,it was you basically talking to yourself.


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