Saturday, January 16, 2010

GOPer Lickspittle Drivel

You get warned twice on this site not to be stupid, this can't be allowed to just lie in the Comments - it deserves much better.

Anonymous said...
Nice to see another leftard with a double standard. Figure it out, Lott's comment wasn't about race but state's rights. Reid's words are purely racist, and most leftards think this way.
1/14/2010 06:50:00 PM

I'm gonna type real slow in hopes you can get this. Look here you knuckle dragging Rushbo buttlicking Confederate Party of Republicanism goober, back in 1865 after getting tens of thousands of you folks who they wouldn't even let on the porch killed; the aristocrats were handed an ass-kicking of historic proportions by the Yanks and this should have been sorted out. A hundred years later after you'd lynched enough people and buried enough kids in dikes; the federal troops had to show up again to make it clear to you that, yes, the niggers get to vote, the niggers get to own guns, and the niggers get to go to your schools and live in your neighborhoods.

The fact that you can be distracted by shiny objects like "states rights", "tax fairness", "gay marriage", and "illegal alien" bashing only speaks to your limitations and ability to be manipulated. You screech about tax fairness in your red state holes as you wallow in the highest rates of divorce, incest, illiteracy, and poverty and you're subsidized by the immoral blue states and you subsidize the wealthy - the same ones who wouldn't let you on their porch. They wave their theocracy at you while they do as they please and spit on the actual words of Christ. The pols you vote for to whack them illegal aliens are paid for by the people who hire illegals to squash your shit wages in your shit job and when they can't bust a union they send the jobs overseas to be done by other people of colors you don't like. They call you brave tea bagger patriots while doing the terrorists jobs for them by being whining mewling cowards and convincing you to give up what America is and support doing things that would have gotten you sent back to George III in tar and feathers.

While the left does its goddamedest to keep you from lying in the dirt with a foot on your neck you call them leftards in support of theocracy and racism. The only mystery about you is that you can afford access to a keyboard and manage the motor skills to operate one. You step outside your circle of stupidity to publicly repeat the idiocy that support for a segregationist's Presidential campaign by a half-stepping KKKer is some how in the same league with a politician supporting the campaign of a black man for President while noting the existence of racism in the electorate? It would take all of five minutes for you to find out that your Confederate Party of Repubicanism massas is lying to you ... again.

Put the limp noodle down and back away slowly, 'cause I'm packin' a damn hand cannon.



  1. Fuck the fuck yeah, Chuck.

    Hell yeah fuck yeah.

  2. Exceptionally well said, Chuck. I wish I could add something to that, but you effectively covered all the bases.

  3. Well damn, stupidity does just irritate the hell out of me.

  4. Hot damn; I'm copying this one into notepad & saving it for a rainy day. Fan-fucking-tastic!

  5. So what I needed. Eloquently put. ;D

  6. Well, just imagine coming across this blog (via futzinbfarb) and this is the first essay one reads...
    I fear you may havetrouble topping this one but I shall enjoy seeing you try.

  7. For that I owe you a drink, of your choice, when we finally meet.


  8. I'm with Phil.

    Daaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnn well done.

    May I blogroll you?



"Chuck for..." encourages commenting, act stupid and get your ass kicked. Please give yourself some indentification, there are a lot of "Anonymous" around. Sorry about the word verification, blame spammers. You can now sign in with a variety of ID systems, see the drop down box.