Thursday, October 29, 2009

Gov John Baldacci's Same Constitution

Governor John Baldacci (ME-D) is campaigning against M1 to reverse the legislated same sex marriage he signed. He was not a supporter of same sex marriage two years ago. He has had, essentially, an epiphany consisting of the realization that the lack of congruence between marriage and civil unions creates a second class citizen. People who are not treated equally under the law.

This is exactly the point. I am a married heterosexual and have absolutely no interest in marrying or having sex with another male; I do have a very basic interest in my law abiding fellows having the same rights and responsibilities as all others. It is not real complicated, it does not involve religion or special treatment or any of the canards the opponents bring forward, it is entirely a civil matter of equality under the law. If you choose to not civilly formalize a relationship you forfeit some of that - a choice. Barring such a union does not involve a choice.

I have an abiding respect for acting out of principle and if that involves changing a previous view, it is just as deserving. Kudos to the Governor and best of luck to Maine.

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