What would you have thought Up East Vermont would have in common with Corn Belt Iowa? If you had said gay issues you'd have made a rational guess and have been right and probably on completely the wrong basis considering two unlikely states have decided to acknowledge gay marriage.
Two completely different avenues lead to these results; in Iowa the State Supreme Court threw out legislation limiting marriage to a men and woman and in Vermont the Legislature over turned the Republican Governor's veto of a bill authorizing same sex marriage. The Iowa Supreme Court went directly to the question I have always had on the issue which is equal treatment under the law. As a heterosexual the sexual element of same sex marriage is of no interest to me, what is of interest to me is that my law abiding fellows are treated the same under the law as any other law abiding fellows. I am not in the least interested in the religious views or or moral views of opponents, I make no proposal to interfere with them in the least. This is a question of law and contract not of religiosity.
Vermont took the legislative approach to treating its citizens equally. The legislature took the electoral risk of first passing the bill and then the greater one of over-riding the Governor's veto. I am always a fan of legislators taking a stand and risks in the interests of their citizens.
A marker has been set for other states and particularly for so-called progressive states. Time to step up.
I have very similar views on the subject, with one twist.
ReplyDeleteI think everyone should get a Civil Union, and then those who are feeling religious can go to whatever church they want and have their marriage. Let the churches do the deciding as to who they will or won't marry.
This is how many European countries take care of the problem, and is a clear, decisive, separation of church and state.
The term "marriage" is getting religious folks all riled up -- hell, let em have it. They want it -- take it.
But Civil Unions take care of the legalities in such a way that gay people will have the same benefits and rights as everyone else.
That this is even an "issue" in our society points out very poignantly that the separation of church and state had degraded to mere rhetoric. Pisses me off to no end.
ps: on an entirely different note -- you ever dabble in high end air guns? I've got one now and I freaking love it, I feel like a teenager again.
marriage in the US is a civil contract, what they in churches is give their OK to that civil contract. The problem is church people think it's their deal and it's not.
ReplyDeleteI don't mess with air guns but the top end stuff is really impressive.