Sunday, November 02, 2008

Bush Bank Cronyism?

So Mr Taxpayer, you've now coughed up $750 Billion or a $Trillion or some bigger number to "shore up" banks so they can lend money. You do remember that justification for the socialization of loss after the privatization of profit through governmental, um, lackadaisicalness? It probably isn't unreasonable to expect some of that money in a strapped organization to go to salaries - it's pretty tough to run a company without employees.

Well.... it gets a bit dicier from there. A whole lot of that money is going to get used for (oh for god's sake) bonuses. A BONUS? What the hell for? Turning a bank into worthless paper? In a rational world a bonus has something to do with performance, in this case the bonus should be a negative number. "I've worked really hard buying up a bunch of worthless paper so give me..." Are you kidding me? Since it's the taxpayers money it just doesn't count how it is given to whom?

Shareholders won't lose their dividends thanks to Uncle Sammy. Your job can tank but the shareholders in these broken companies get dividends? A dividend is excess profits sent to shareholders not a damn gift. So where are the profits? Their shares didn't evaporate like Enron's, but they also get a dividend? Oh, I forgot - this is the Republican Washington DC, wealth will be served.

This one might make you lose your mind and want to smack a banker. You've got a grip on something? The banks are using your tax dollars to buy other banks. You've got it, these failed institutions are using bail out money to buy themselves a bigger share of the market they screwed up. They're too big to be allowed to fail so YOUR money bails them out...nope...your money buys them a bigger share. Buying a bank is no more than a paper shuffle as far as lending goes, the name changes money doesn't get leant. Plutocrats get to become bigger plutocrats on the taxpayer dollar.

What? Do I seem pissed off? Oh no not at all. I skid from one edge of disaster to the next on a weekly basis and watch people go over that edge and these pricks are buying more banks on the basis of their failure? In what universe do you fail upwards in such a fashion? Do any of you believe for one second that these are not the Republicans who've brayed for years and decades about personal responsibility? Do you now understand the concept of that responsibility stopping at the middle class? Once you have a big enough share of the wealth you're exempt from such a concept because...well because you made good choices. ahahahahahahaha - loser...

I'm not exactly sure how to go about expressing dissatisfication with this situation. Every one of the people involved in these swindles deserves the beating of their lives...or hell...three people's lives but that'll just mean a jail sentence even if it felt good. Honestly, I'm...I'm...perplexed... Right now trying to get the attention of an elected official in this election season is probably a waste of time. There is November 5th on the other hand. I have no intention of taking this crap laying down and if you do...

1 comment:

  1. As an addendum, no I didn't like this bailout but I didn't oppose it on the basis of not sinking my neighbors. I also thought enough people were paying attention to keep the BushCo cronyism in hand...


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