Sunday, October 26, 2008

I Had No Idea You Could Pile It This High

I don't know how many of my readers frequent that Reasonable Conservative Jon Swift and I doubt the handful I'm sending his way will take down his site but you really do need spend a few minutes on this one. I'll snag a paragraph to get you started:
Some of the stories below are shocking and even hard to believe, but they weren’t published on crazy, fringe websites. They appeared on some of the most distinguished and well-respected sites on the Internet. The bloggers and online journalists who published them have staked their reputations and their sacred honor on the veracity of these reports. To doubt the truth of their findings, you would have to believe that an entire segment of the blogosphere has suddenly been gripped by hysteria and gone collectively insane, which is a pretty unlikely scenario.

This stuff gets tossed out piece by piece, but you have to admire a writer who would risk his sanity to gather it up in one place... Be careful - the knife is sharp.


  1. Chuck- Totally OT but saw you reference the Gilroy station (KFAT) in one of Cole's threads. If you like that type of music you can find them online and listen for free- KPIG. Out of Santa Cruz and other towns. Great music.

  2. Yeah, it was KFAT. Long time ago. My TV gets Sirius so I have my Blues fix. I'll have to check out the online.


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