Friday, July 18, 2008

Media Pity for McCain

The McCain camp has been whining about media access lately, their candidtate is getting less space than Obama. One has to wonder if they're shooting themselves in the foot with this stance. Other than name mention most media coverage lately has been of a negative tone, for either campaign, so I'd suggest that considering McCain's record, it's been in his favor to be ignored. The media was excluded from his trips abroad because they were official Senate business. McCain's spokesperson called Obama's trip a campaign rally overseas, one notes a certain honesty about the purpose in Obama's case versus McCain's. McCain says people can make their own decisions... Ummm, the people who paid for it?

I'd say that the guy who gets Shia, Sunni, and which runs or ran which country, Iraq/Iran confused, hasn't noticed that Czechslovakia went away 15 years ago, and for pete's sake doesn't know who runs the the Senate Foreign Relations Committee how - Biden not Obama and Biden has consistently wanted Afghanistan hearing in full committee:
As you are aware, under my chairmanship the Foreign Relations Committee has addressed most Afghanistan issues at the full committee level. I believe that this is the best way of ensuring the most comprehensive examination of the complex issues involved, and of ensuring the highest-level Administration participation. ...
Sen. Obama has displayed great leadership on this issue: he called nearly a year ago for the deployment of at least two additional combat brigades to Afghanistan -- it has since become the accepted position of a wide range of U.S. military officials, including the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. I look forward to working closely with him, and with you, on any future Afghanistan hearings that might be held in our committee."
McCain's real luck with the media has been the skewering of his surrogates for repeating his stupidities baldly rather than getting him caught out at it. The media hasn't been mean to McCain, they've given him passes Obama would die for. McCain's record of mean sadistic jokes, policy reversals, and outright lies don't make the cut. A General well versed in political-military affairs suggests that getting shot down and imprisoned isn't a piece of the qualifications for CiC gets blasted for days in the face of the numbers of those who also were POWs and never ran for any office nor have suggested that they are qualified whilst the McCain campaign runs non-stop on "I'm a POW." When the POW states that he "knows how to win wars" nobody asks just what wars and what he means by winning. Nobody might be a tad strong, left wing blogs like this one and Olberman ask...

When the old start to dodder around say stupid things we take pity on them and don't make fun, well then there's the issue of one of them trying to get elected President...

1 comment:

  1. Can there be a more compelling reason for a multiple party system than these two pandering clowns running for the highest office in the land?
    Most important job in the little talent available!


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