Saturday, May 10, 2008

"Chuck for" Numbers Upside Down

For the first time in quite awhile "Chuck for" has political numbers that exceed gun articles and archived posts. The margin is impressive, over 70% of Saturday's mid-day numbers are either the main or today's post. There are two reasons for that, one is unexpected big name news, Bill Clinton's visit to our backwater. I love this place, but we're 10K population in town and total 14K in the entire County of 3500 sq mi. so we're a backwater (not to mention 3D:4.6R). The other, and main driving force was a recommendation from Rick Taylor in the "Comments" over at Balloon Juice. The BJ bunch is pretty rowdy, but they're also smart and savvy, a fine addition if they stick around.

Being a lower tier political blog means you compete for attention in a crowded well developed milieu and you won't get it unless somebody else notices you, someone with access. I don't try to piggy back other people's work by flogging this blog on their sites, I think it's rude and pretentious. Anyhow, I'm glad of the attention and I hope this place has lived up to expectations. And so it's been said, "thanks, Rick."

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"Chuck for..." encourages commenting, act stupid and get your ass kicked. Please give yourself some indentification, there are a lot of "Anonymous" around. Sorry about the word verification, blame spammers. You can now sign in with a variety of ID systems, see the drop down box.