Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Vicki Walker, SoS

I've personally known Vicki Walker for several years even though our districts are quite distant from each other. Her reputation as a tireless advocate for governmental responsibility to its citizens is deserved. She has maintained that position whether it was politic or not. I personally know that she will take serious criticism and listen and think about it. This character trait is of great benefit to constituents of a strong natured official, it is in fact, indispensable. No one can reach the level of the candidates for this office with out strong natures, but Vicki's dedication to principles is remarkable and indisputable even in this strong field.

I can state quite factually that Vicki will stand by her commitments even when they are inconvenient and involve an actual political sacrifice. Baker County Democrats put together a Dancing With The Blues event to give all the state wide candidates access to our area's voters before the Primary season kicked into high gear. Vicki agreed to attend shortly after the invitation was extended. Not too far before the event Lane Co, her home county, scheduled their annual dinner for the same date. As a political calculation, that dinner was much more important than our event and considerably more local to her scheduled events. Despite those considerations Vicki appeared at the Baker Co event and it did involve serious sacrifice on her part. Vicki's standing is such that a quite conservative Republican Baker City official is solidly in her camp, despite virtually no congruence with Vicki's Democratic Party stands. The matter for him was her dedication to the good of Oregonian communities and their benefit from that.

We're all familiar with the exaggeration of politician's campaign presentation. I'm going to clip a piece of her webpage and note that I find it quite accurate.
Your vote is your voice. For nearly 10 years Oregonians have been able to count on me to defend their right to be heard in Salem.

As your State Senator, I have courageously and consistently stood up to powerful interests, shining a bright light on waste, fraud and abuse in our state government.

Any campaign needs dollars to run, endorsements help drive the garnering of money, and though this isn't a large forum I'm tossing this out to do what I can to help a candidate I have great respect for. You can contribute here or from a link on the sideboard. You will find very detailed positions on her site as well as the same contribution link. I encourage my readers to step up and help Vicki out, with money and support.

Any of my regulars know KISS is real tough to impress:
While I haven't the bucks to send I do have almost 20 votes lined up for her. With luck I might add some more.
What you have written about Vicki is true. She's a smart and dedicated gal, and tough when needed.
Vicki is what I call a people's politician


  1. While I haven't the bucks to send I do have almost 20 votes lined up for her. With luck I might add some more.
    What you have written about Vicki is true. She's a smart and dedicated gal, and tough when needed.
    Vicki is what I call a people's politician

  2. I'd say getting a KISS endorsement trumps anything nice I had to say.

  3. Excellent post Chuck.
    Here in Lane County, we were not suprised when Sen. Walker told us she wouldn't be going to our semi-annual Democratic Party of Lane County auction and banquet. She had told Baker County that she would attend their event and she wasn't about to go back on her word. There were other politicians that shall remain unnamed who backed out of the Baker County event to come to Lane and then out of our event to go to a Clackamas County event because they thought it would be higher profile and have a better audience. A lot of Lane County Democrats won't be voting for them. We expected nothing less from Senator Walker as it is consistant with how she has conducted herself in the legislature. It is why I support her for the SOS race over the other candidates and have consistantly supported her as our Senator. We have been lucky to have someone like her represent us her in SD 7 and I know she will also do an excellent job representing all Oregonians as our SOS.


  4. Val is my pal and she does have a finger on the pulse of Lane Co politics.

    BTW, Kudos to Blue Oregon for linking this, Brown is a Mandate Media client. Kari is also a pal of mine.


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