There is a bit of a joke around the intertubes that calls John McCain, McSame. The thrust rather obviously that he's an old George II. I've never entertained the idea that George is retarded, but he certainly has either engaged in some real stupid things or he is diabolically clever at destroying this nation. I don't much lean toward clever. The point of this ramble is stupid behavior is a forte of BushCo.
Now running for President as a Republican, is tiring business, so it would be entirely possible to make a misstatement; you know, like saying Sunni rather than Shia on one occasion. The other day I said Walden rather than Wyden - a complete slip of the tongue. It can happen. What is entirely unreasonable is the conflating of Al-Qaida and Iran, repeatedly, and after being corrected about it, to repeat it. In John McSame's world, stupidity is not a disqualifier, it seems to be a requisite. Whether that is on the part of McSame voters or his part might be debatable. I don't argue that there are people who would like to harm us, I'm pretty sure it has been demonstrated. They are not all the same people, Al-Qaida is not the same thing as the Majdi Army is not the same thing as the Revolutionary Army is not the same thing as Sunnis who are not Shia. If you propose to run for President and not be just another idiot it would be a good idea to get something right about Iraq, especially if you plan to have us there another 100 years.
Plain stupid.
I'll go with diabolically clever. Although I delight in calling George DUHbya (yes, it's spelled with a capital DUH) Bush a moron, and although he's probably not the brightest bulb in the marquee, I don't think he's anywhere near as stupid as he lets on. His plan from the beginning was to bring down the U.S.; so far it's been a brilliant success.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if it more reassuring to think we elected an idiot or a devil. There certainly are people around GWB who would fit devil category.
ReplyDeleteDick Cheney comes immediately to mind. As for idiots and devils, none are reassuring. Whatever happened to honesty, integrity, and ironclad ethics?
ReplyDeleteI think if you were to take percentages of populations the behavior of the rulers is worse and possibly has been for quite some time.
ReplyDeleteNot only possible, but highly probable.