Saturday, February 09, 2008

DeFazio Weighs In On DC Ban

Over at Blue Steel Democrats you'll find an article detailing the members of Congress who have filed a brief supporting plaintiff Heller in the DC gun ban case, including Rep. DeFazio (OR-D). Head on over there for more.


  1. I am amazed, imagine DeFazio standing up for the 2nd amenment.

  2. I see trouble ahead, if Tester can use the term "assualt weapons" we have a situation where the second amnedment is in trouble. Fully automatic weapons were essentially banned, illegally I say, in 1934. I challenge anyone to describe an "assualt weapon". What we Are really talking about is an Austarlian type ban on any gun that loads automatically even if the one projectile per trigger pull law applies. When you consider the fact that arming a populace was put in place to have a means of removing dictatorships then limiting the populace's weapons to those inferior to the state armed police makes no sense. Now what we don't need is a bunch of jack asses who haven't smelled gun powder in 5 generations trying to describe any kind of firearm. But we now have 3 major candidates, Mccain, Obama and Hillary who will spell disaster for the second and the future freedom of Americans. It's a dark day for America. Guess maybe Pete knows that.

  3. DeFazio is good on a lot of things your prejudices deny. If you'd paid attention to DeFazio a all, you'd know he's pretty good on the 2nd.

  4. yeah Pete has been good on a lot of things, trouble is there aren't enough like him, we got 3 candidates who are bad news on the second, can't see sending them a majority.
    Just after 911 I had a letter in the Oregonian about arming the pilots, DeFazio introduced a bill in congress to do just that. Our illustiuous leader who is supossed to be a conservative made sure it didn't really get rolling.

  5. Steve Culley wrote,"Our illustiuous leader who is supossed to be a conservative made sure it didn't really get rolling.".

    He also had his Solicitor General, or whatever that position is called, file a brief, or some such, in this Supreme Court case on behalf the defendants. In other words, Bush seems to support the DC gun ban.

  6. Yeah, right before the last election he said he would sign an assualt weapons ban, of course he couldn't describe an assualt weapon, just like most of America. It was a term invented for urban vote getting. I say again, there is an agenda to give us a British type gun ownership law in this country that means a real fight coming in this country over guns, the same for the borders and a globalist trade agenda. There doesn't seem to be anybody representing the America I grew up in. I used to be a pretty good steelhead fisherman, think I'll get back into it and wait for change. Somebody let me know when it happens.

  7. Now Now, Merkley is your man, he'll say anything you wish to hear. Problem is he crosses his fingers when saying it. Same for most who take the oath to protect the constitution.
    Time for NRA to create a branch of: " Democrats for NRA".

  8. After a life time of paying attention I admit defeat. Whatever course this country is on, and I think it's like Lemmings off a cliff, I'll be an occassional observer.

  9. Well, I don't roll over for anybody, so...

  10. Good idea, KISS. Unfortunately, for many Dems the NRA weighs in on too many issues that have nothing to do with guns. If they would restrict their political activity to the 2nd Amendment I think they'd double their membership, including more Dems who'd sign up.

  11. "Well, I don't roll over for anybody, so..."

    Yeah, well...often you appear to do just that, Chuck. If upholding the Second Amendment is a core belief, casting your vote for Obama or Clinton simply does not compute. You & I can agree on many things- civil liberties, defending the constitution, immigration reform, equality for all, etc., but we part company where voting for certified gun grabbers is concerned. Stranger still, you say that you'll just have to rely on the wisdom of the supreme court. Let Clinton or Obama select the next justice or two and see where that road leads.

    Enjoy reading some of your posts and assorted rants, but I'm highly skeptical of one who claims to be strongly pro gun & pro Clinton/Obama simultaneously.

  12. I did a single issue vote in 2000, GWB is what I got. McCain is not going to get a vote from before hell freezes over, he's wrong on too much. If you've read me you know just exactly how happy I am.


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