Thursday, January 03, 2008

Chuck for... Blog Progress For 2007

This blog started the year out with about 1000 visitors per month, that was January. February pushed up to 1900 starting a serious climb to March's 2700 and then a steady decline, April 2500, May 2100, to August at 1500 when for 2 weeks hits ran just above 20 per day and I seriously thought about quitting. It was the last couple weeks of August that kept this thing going. From that point there has been about a 500 visit per month increase each month to December's 3200.

On 10 occasions since August the Blog has been read on Reuters or USA Today's or Austin Statesman online publications. During that time the "Chuck for..." headlines have been viewed over 160,000 times, courtesy of Blogburst, accounting for 337 visits to the Blog.

Starting in September the blog began to make occasional appearances on OrBlogs top 20 Most Influential Oregon Blogs and from mid-November to late December it stayed on the list. The year began with a Technorati ranking of about 30 and steadily rose to end at 41. Overall the blog seems to maintain its readers' interest and slowly gain readers. Regular readers are from about a dozen states and ten countries.

I hope this is a prosperous New Year for the readers and that this endeavor continues to engage your interest. Thanks.


  1. I hope this is a prosperous New Year for the readers and that this endeavor continues to engage your interest.

    It does! Don't quit!

  2. the readers make this worthwhile so I guess I'm around for awhile.

  3. Blogging is like a Greek curse--you don't want to do it, but you can't give it up!


"Chuck for..." encourages commenting, act stupid and get your ass kicked. Please give yourself some indentification, there are a lot of "Anonymous" around. Sorry about the word verification, blame spammers. You can now sign in with a variety of ID systems, see the drop down box.