Sunday, October 07, 2007

Cantor, Limbaugh, Under All This Crap There Must Be A Pony

From: Rep. Eric Cantor, Chief Deputy Republican Whip
Date: Oct 4, 2007 2:19 PM
Subject: Rush Needs Your Support

One failure after another, Washington Democrats have built a record of legislative failure; one disappointment after another, Washington Democrats have failed to deliver results to the people who got them there.
This must be why, just nine months into their tenure, the Democrat-led Congress hit an 11% approval rating - that is the lowest in recorded history. Facing their record of failure, Washington Democrats decided to try and distract - and so they took a man's words out of context, then they went on the attack.
That's why I'm encouraging you to click here to "Stand With Rush" and sign this petition.

It is at moments like these when we need to band together as conservatives and fight back.

This issue is bigger than you or me, it is bigger than Rush Limbaugh. With the recent liberal effort to resurrect the "fairness doctrine," we have to recognize that free speech -- conservative free speech is under direct attack. These are issues that speak directly to the core of the modern conservative movement - are we going to allow ourselves to be pushed around by liberal extremists, or are we going to fight back?

I want to send Washington Democrats a message that their attempts to distract aren't working - I stand with Rush Limbaugh against liberal attacks.

Rep. Eric Cantor (R - VA)
Chief Deputy Republican Whip

P.S. Please remember to Stand With Rush and sign the petition.

Nah I don't have to make up this crap they're perfectly capable themselves. What can I say that adds anything?

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