Back in July I noted that there are natural consequences of the Republican stance regarding success. Seems the latest example of the outcome of greed as morality is Alan Fabian, Bush Pioneer and Romney fundraiser who has been indicted for 23 felonies including fraud, money laundering, bankruptcy perjury, and on and on. Thirty two million dollars was the basis of contention.
Things like pools, private jet, real estate purchases, the kinds of things $32 million might buy. This doesn't look much like an accident since it included things like leasing non-existent computers from one company to another sister company and obligating another independent company for debts. While one cannot blame these actions on the candidates that are supported by this sort of person, it is interesting and instructive to note what sorts they attract.
Christian fundamentalists are fond of saying and writing that one cannot have a moral compass without religion. I don't agree with that particularly, but what I do know is that one's personal philosophy tends to drive action and if that philosophy is "greed is good" one will get this sort of outcome. An underlying tenet, sometimes even spoken, of the right is that greed is good for the system. Since I make clear that I am of the Left persuasion it is obvious that I do not agree.
I do agree that hard work should be rewarded, I do agree that hard smart work should be rewarded, I also state that the system is rigged to work best for the wealthy and that there needs to be a counter-balance to power and wealth. You don't suppose George II will pardon him? Nah, $100,000 only buys just so much influence...and Alan isn't nearly as silly and Waspish a name as Scooter.
ReplyDeleteHas this Bush hate created constipation? Your thought's lately seem ahh, well hung up on this subject.
May I suggest..."fresh air"..more fiber, perhaps, well you know, a romantic evening with Mrs. Chuck.
Cause your going to just have a stoke if you don't.
Now tell all your fan's in detail how many pardons Bubba gave, and start with Mark Rich.
George II will pardon him? Nah, $100,000 only buys just so much influence...and Alan isn't nearly as silly and Waspish a name as Scooter. SAID CHUCK:
ReplyDeleteChuck also said:
no name calling, have fun.
Yeah, I's satire.
It's also hypocritical, but so much of the left "hit's" at satire are hypocritical.
ReplyDeletesince i don't behave in a manner that even roemotely resembles the bahavior of GWB I am not in the least hypocritical. Try again
BTW use the "other" button and give yorself somekind of name
George II will pardon him? Nah, $100,000 only buys just so much influence...and Alan isn't nearly as silly and Waspish a name as Scooter. SAID CHUCK:\
ReplyDeletebahavior of GWB, Pardon me??
Chuck also said:
Alan isn't nearly as silly and Waspish a name as Scooter.
no name calling, have fun. said Chuck:
Now tell all your fan's in detail how many pardons Bubba gave, and start with Mark Rich.
You need to get back in the ring Chuckster, I'm not through with you yet.
As in the Dominoes game, once one goes down they all fall in line.
ReplyDeleteSad, the repug trolls are so illiterate to the failings of their party. Even real conservatives are calling for impeachment of both Bush and Cheney. I forgot hibernation started with first inauguration of Bush crooks inc.
Sad, the repug trolls are so illiterate to the failings of their party "KISS SAID THAT!"
ReplyDeleteWOW, I said Bush sucks!
What I think is your "LIBBER/PROGESSIVE/AMPLE REAR" has not a mark on it...WHY?
You seek these animals(terror types)you cut off everything they need....$$$$$$$$$$$,communication, transportation, weapons, then you put them where they can't harm your butt, or if that isn't inline that day....YOU KILL THEM.
KISS THAT!!!! Bush had done OK so far as problems here, and no, I HAVEN'T LOST A THING by his means of protecting your's and my rear.
ReplyDeleteNow tell all your fan's in detail how many pardons Bubba gave, and start with Mark Rich.
Did I miss your answer?????
ReplyDeleteNow tell all your fan's in detail how many pardons Bubba gave, and start with Mark Rich.
Did I miss your answer?????
7:39 PM