Should you care that Sen David Vitter (R-LA) had his phone number in Debra Jean Palfrey's "little black book?" Ordinarily I'd be hard pressed to say "yes." I believe the outlawing of prostitution wastes law enforcement assets, creates an unhealthy black market of drugs, manipulation, abuse, and corruption, and complicates health issues. I don't find it moral or immoral, have never engaged its services nor do I desire to, frankly it's a non-issue in my private life. My relationship with my wife is based on mutual trust and monogamy, so that's how that is - I would be committing a wrong to engage in such actions, personally. I make no such judgements on other relationships, I am not privy to their internal structure and thus unqualified to have an opinion.
Sen Vitter had opinions, he declared them in the House and the Senate and tried to make them law. Get this, I don't care if he's Jesus H Christ himself, the law has no business in the morality game. It's not a moral construct, it is a social order device, it is enforced at the point of a gun and can take your money and liberty - it ain't moral. So, Sen Vitter engaged the services of Ms. Palfrey, I don't care about her, but I do care about him. The hypocrisy of slamming homosexuals as unfit for marriage while he's cheating on a woman who has publicly stated her, ahem, distaste for cheating (ok, whacking off the offending member) is just mind boggling. It is the theocrat's punishment for hubris, they'll stuff their version of god down your throat while failing miserably at their own tenets.
I think maybe Mrs Vitter has "issues," such reactions are illegal, ranking close to shooting the adulterer, a temper tantrum possibly understandable, but not too orderly. That doesn't keep me from having a certain enthusiasm for her catching up with the Senator in possession of a sharp object.
Seems odd that for all the slanders Republicans throw at Democrats for being cowardly moral degenerates, it's their folks that go AWOL from the easy out from a war, play sick games with boys, get sunk for bribery (well there is Jefferson), and get clogged up in sex scandals. I look forward to November '08 and the traction available on these little (cough) indiscretions.
Hey, Republicans, since you keep ignoring my advice and come around here I'll dispense some advice, leave the morality in church or your private conduct but out of law and you'll have less of this sort of trouble. God has his house and it isn't Congress or the White one and the sooner you figure it out the better for your Party and the nation.
Bang hookers all you want, I don't care. Just don't tell everyone else it's wrong while you are doing it. And shut your f***ing face about the 'sanctity of marriage'
Oh how the christian right is so moral, and than WHEN caught are so contrite. Are all Hypocrites christian or are all christians hypocrites?