Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Cool, Bagged Another B-day

It's late and I just disproved most of my younger acquaintances predictions and lasted to 54. Anyhow, I'd like to thank the readers for the present they make to me of showing up here. My Oregonian neighbors, the ones from around the rest of the nation, and you international folks - you're the one's I can't quite figure - how'd you get here ? No kidding, you come from pretty unlikely places so if you'd like to hit the comments and give a hint, I'm sure more than just me are interested...

A great way to get to 54, I got complimented on a bigger bog, the satellite TV is cranking out some kick-ass blues, I just reviewed the site meter and was flattered, the new DSL wireless is working fine, and the new - first - laptop is cool. Gus - Great White Pyrenees - is laying here being big and snoring, a great wife sleeping in my bed (I said nothing about snoring, honey), you've got no idea how cool it is today.

Now 8 hrs ago everything I touched broke, I was straightening up some idiosyncrasies on the 74 K5 Blazer, well 4 hours of work did take care of 2 electrical shorts, but then I started to fix the jammed rear window/tailgate - ooooh. I have parts to make - now. Most of it wasn't broken, quite, now most of it is, and I have a light touch. By the end of my efforts I'd come to understand that just looking at it was going to break it, whatever it was. Oh boy do I know how to have fun... It's a very cool little truck...yeah, I just ordered a motor for it; this one is seriously 2 cycle so there's some more fun, you have no idea how heavy and awkward that iron 4 speed and transfer case are - especially under a truck. whine... Here's the truly stupid part, I'll enjoy it.

Thanks for coming by,


  1. I remember being 54, a looong time ago. lol Happy Birthday Chuck! It is interesting how readers from far away find your space, I trotted over from AuCoins place. I have 4-5 places that I give my comments, on a local [ Oregon] basis.
    You are so right about the tranny I had only two shots to put one in and if I missed it was the next day before I could give it another try or two. My upper arm strength would just go away. Today my weed-wacker seems heavy.

  2. Just a kid. Big news after the usual Iraq, Immigration etc. is that ODFW has the results for tag applications. Got a buck tag. How'd the gun totin democrat do?

  3. no card yet.

    got a nice new 350CID/268+HP engine sitting in the back of the K5. Thursday I'll get started, pretty thing - Chevy Engine Orange, chrome valve covers.

  4. Happy Birthday!

  5. It is a happy one. motor makes me happy, this is cool truck almost useless with oil burning.


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