Friday, April 13, 2007

What A Week...

The only thing about this week that I'll miss is Kurt Vonnegut, what an amazing slightly canted mind. Working backward the White House says the dog ate its homework, oh, that was Leahy, idjits. We got to watch race baiters slam a racist, that was entertaining, but honestly, the guy had an 11 million audience (IIRC) and that makes it an all day everyday story - geeze - almost as important to the world's well-being as the paternity of Anna whossit's baby. Hugely bad news for soldiers in Iraq, you get to stay an additional 3 months. Supporting the troops might involve a big push back against the mental cases who them there, barely a whimper. Carl Levin seemed to blink - Harry Reid is the tough guy?? Karl Rove comes to Portland OR??? cough, choke, gag... Hey, now, the bright spot is that Carla from Loaded Oregon got press credentials for this mess. Draft DeFazio is gaining ground with small donations to persuade Pete that there's support for a run against G. Smith, help out with this one. McCain hitched his wagon to GWB, silly stuff, and seems to be paying a price for it - this whole thing leaves me shaking my head. Mitt is a lifetime hunter - never licensed - well varmits - well, a couple times anyhow, there are a few other little discrepencies as well. There's the usual stink about the OR gay anti-discrimination bills, from the usual suspects. Here's a particularly odd one, churches should be exempt from employment issues - I thought a job was a job, you know, pay somebody to do something and there are rules for all of us.

I've been working long days so blogging has fallen off some, it's going to get worse for awhile. No rest for the wicked...

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