Monday, April 02, 2007

NYT is Late

I have to laugh when the NYT Editorial Board brings out something like The Rovian Era on 4/1 and I had "Machiavellian Politics" on 3/28 and "Rove and the Hatch Act" on 3/30. I'm not alone in beating them to the punch, but I am truly amused that a small time Blog published by a "nail bender" from NE OR gets the jump on them. I have to admit they stopped short of using some of the pejoratives I did, but then, they're pussies.

Some of what drives this little commentary is that one of my Blogger Buddies has backed out of the game due to feeling, um, ineffective. I know that he might easily have beaten the NYT on this, also. It's not irrelevant to have a smaller readership and beat the Times out, it may be easier to do, but speaking to the public is meaningful, even if the public is small.


  1. The Times has stunk since first days of Clinton. The too became full of themselves and arrogant, the Internet came along and they didn't.

  2. I sure hope I'm not arrogant and full of myself...

  3. ROFLMAO...Hardly, my friend from Baker City.


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