Sunday, April 08, 2007

Mitt and Facts, Not Related

If you've paid any attention to Mitt Romney over the years you have to wonder exactly which Mitt you've got this week. When it was convenient, he was pro-choice, now it's not and he's anti-abortion. Gays can't expect to know what he's got in his mind, now he doesn't like them, he didn't used to mind them. Now we get to the crux of the matter, how insignificant does something have to be for Mitt to say things that just don't seem to be so? How about hunting and owning guns? Is this really an issue? I own guns and hunt. I also drag race. I also read. I listen to the Blues. Do you care? I don't care if Mitt never shot a gun, I don't care if he never even saw a gun. What does that matter? Hunting is not a political statement, it is a rather demanding hobby, one that involves some expense and time and energy and skills. I hunt because it gets me out in the wild and because it involves what is nearly the ultimate competition. I pit my intelligence and ability to reach out against an animal's instincts, superior senses, camouflage, and knowledge of terrain. It is very fair, although the price of failure for the animal is considerably higher. There is one other aspect I don't expect a non-hunter to quite grasp, I develop a much closer relationship with my food. None of this is political, it's not Democratic or Republican, it a thing of its own. So what is all this about?

The WaPo has an article about Mitt's claims to have been a lifelong hunter and gun owner. Mitt lived in Michigan, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Utah and those states say he's never had a hunting license. He said earlier this year that he owned a firearm, apparently he does not. He joined the NRA as a life member last year after being a strong gun control advocate. Do Mormons get born again? Apparently so, just as a different political incarnation. He's said that he hunted small game in Utah regularly and didn't need a license for that there. Current Michigan, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire regulations require a license for small game, the Utah regulations seem to require a license. At one time I lived in Michigan and do not remember any period where a license was not required.

I wouldn't vote for the man anyhow, but I cannot see the reason to make a point of hunting if you don't. Hunters are a shrinking minority as it stands, today, so who is he trying to appeal to?


  1. Massachusetts Millionaires. Always desperately trying to prove they're not Massachusetts Millionaires. Romney is just the sequel to the original.

  2. Ah the photo that lost the election for Kerry!!!! Doonesbery ran a few strips the last few days about the reincarnated Romney. Personally I wouldn't trust anybody who doesn't hunt. Makes me think they are left wing gun banners. Seen the new Bill 1022?

  3. I'll never understand why any candidate would make a claim that would be so easy to use against him, if it was put under the slightest scrutiny.

    And candidates do it all the time.

  4. It's the NRA money, and sportsman organizations, stupid. It's called Pandering and every politician does it as well as grovelling to us voters. The price must be paid to come before us unwashed and grovel and once elected, we are the dirt on their shoes. Than the true agenda come about and what we heard and was promised disappears, and supreme declared those words are not accountable, till re-election time. And do we suckers eat it up.

  5. I'll agree that the NRA has money and as organizations go, has a lot of members. The NRA can be shrill, but that doesn't mean that they are stupid, hunting licenses are an easy check. That still doesn't mean there are a lot of hunters and making a claim that is bogus to get those votes is silly.

    As Kari and Steve noted, John Kerry allowed himself to be handled by knuckle-heads and got the results.

  6. I wasn't refering to NRA or Sportman as being stup9d..just the opposite, I ment Romny was stupid as in pulling the wool over our eyes. Geeze donchaknow I'm a gun-toting lib?

  7. I wasn't refering to you Kiss when I said the NRA isn't stupid, I meant in regard to his life-membership/previous gun control stance. We're both talking at cross purposes and meaning the same things, short handing answers leads to that, sorry.

  8. I thought my Alzheimer's was acting up LOL


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