Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Please Hillary, Go Away

Or at least stay in goll-dang New York. The Right hates you, not dislike, hate, the Left doesn't trust you, and rural voters know where you stand on the Second Amendment. That leaves you the chunk of urban middle you so assiduously play. The big problem is Iraq, really Hillary, Iraq. You know, the one where you've tried to be a soft Lieberman? This from NBC Today isn't going to help you much more than Gordon Smith's little speech:

"Obviously, if we knew then what we know now, there wouldn't have been a vote," she said in her usual refrain before adding, "and I certainly wouldn't have voted that way."....

Ummm, Hillary, a lot of us had it figured out, we just didn't have a political advancement agenda. So you showed that you had the "stones" to send kids off to war, just like any other too old, old man with no kids at danger. They're dropping the standards on a regular basis, sign up if you've got the stones. Oregon had a sitting US Senator (Baker) in combat, maybe New Yawk would like to join a very exclusive club.

If you don't mind me pointing it out, Oregon rural Democrats have gone to a lot of work to rehabilitate the Party outside the urban centers as have Democrats in other western states. Not many of us look forward to you coming out and undoing our hard work. Maybe you did take a good hard look at health care a dozen years ago, that's nice, maybe you can do all sorts of good things as a New York Senator, but please, go away. If you've got all kinds of political money to waste give it to Kucinich - he ain't got any.


  1. I agree with you about Hillary. She's not trustworthy, she's hated by the right, and she's supported the war. There was a time when I liked her, but there is no way I'd support her even if she was the won the nomination.

  2. The problem with the nomination part is, "who else?" I had to hold my nose to vote for Kerry, my head might explode voting for Hillary, but I've got two hands to hold it with.

  3. What do you think about Bill Richardson as an alternative?

  4. Bill has his problems, but he's vastly preferrable to Hillary. So is Kucinich. (nobody notices Dennis)

  5. Hillary is one of the reasons america is going down hill. She has run and is running on the "Clinton" name. You are correct is saying she needs toGO AWAY! Or at least back to ARKANSAS where your residence was before you suckered some New Yorkers!


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